III) Anticipation

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The door to her apartment door shrieked as it was shoved open; the dishes in the sink rattled when it was shut. Rue took a deep breath, pressing her back to the panel of painted wood and slid to the floor, hugging her knees to her chest as she replayed her conversation with Rayne. Guard duty. She would have to make sacrifices, but it could work. It would just take more time. Well... Not if I find a chance to be the hero. Saving the King's life especially would prove her worth and she'd climb the ranks even faster. Nodding, she dragged herself to her feet and kicked her boots off before heading to the kitchen. Time to clean up.

Just as she set the last plate in its place above her countertop, her cellphone vibrated in the pocket of her jacket. Startled, she dried her hands on a damp cloth and answered the call without so much as checking the number.

"Hello?" she answered quickly, practically shaking with anticipation.

"Rue?" Her heart sank. That wasn't Cam's voice.

"Hey, Eren," she sighed, pulled herself up onto the counter. "What's up?"

"Oh, y'know, nothing much." Eren paused for a moment, muttering something in a low voice before returning to his phone. "Except I possibly smuggled your cat back into this building and I'm on my way to your place. 'On my way' as in I'm literally walking down the hall." #$%^.

"No warning whatsoever?"

"It was, uh, kind of spur of the moment."

"Gotcha." Three thuds echoed throughout the apartment. Rue rolled her eyes and headed for the door.

"I'm knocking."

"I figured." She pulled the door open to see the young man standing in front of her, clutching a wriggling backpack to his chest. "You put her in a backpack?!" she shrieked in a hushed voice, ending the call and beckoning for him to enter. The door slammed behind him and he immediately dropped to his knees and unzipped the bag. "Eren, what the #$%^?"

"I didn't have anything else," he huffed, standing and shaking his spikey brunette hair out of his face. His big hazel eyes peered up at her through thin lenses from where he crouched on the floor. "I'm really sorry." Pinching the bridge of her nose with one hand and gripping her hip with the other, Rue shook her head and turned to watch the sleek cat bound toward the couch.

"It's okay. Thanks for bringing her."

Eren nodded, zipping the backpack back up and setting it against the wall. He looked around, awkwardly shoving his hands into his pockets. Uncomfortable silence was quick to swallow them, but Rue jumped from its jaws and headed toward the kitchen. Eren followed slowly, clearing his throat.

"How are you, uh, feeling?"

"Fine," she shrugged, using a rag to wipe down the smooth granite countertops. "I talked to Rayne about the selection."

"Wait, what?"

"What?" Rue turned to face her friend, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing, it's just..." Eren shrugged, pushing his glasses up. "I dunno. You never struck me as the confrontational type."

"Oh, trust me, I'm not," Rue scoffed, smiling. "I don't know what happened; I guess I got desperate. Anyway, she said she couldn't offer me a spot in the Glaive. She's going to talk to the captain of the guard and see if I can't get a position there until she has enough space for another member." It's not too far off.

"That's... actually not too bad." He glanced toward the couch as Rue's cat jumped from cushion to cushion, batting at the material with her small paws. "Did she say how long that would take?"

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