XXXIII) Total Clarity

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Rue's eyes opened so quickly that if someone had seen, they might assume she'd just escaped from a terrifying dream. But she saw nothing the entire time she'd been asleep, or unconscious, or whatever anyone wanted to call it. She couldn't remember how she'd gotten to her bed. In fact, the last thing she remembered clearly was stepping out of Prompto's room in search of a perceived threat. And then she killed the man she saw on the floor. Or did she? She couldn't quite grasp what she wanted to and it frustrated her to no end.

So, instead of lying in bed angry because she couldn't recall the night before (which, to be fair, wasn't all that uncommon for her), she sat up and checked her phone. No messages, no missed calls, and it was nearly noon. Sighing, she ran a hand through her hair, startled when she realized she wasn't in her sweatshirt, but instead in one of her oversized t-shirts and a pair of shorts that was far too small for the comfort of the person she was sharing a bed with. She frowned, looking behind her. The bed was made and there was no sign that Ignis had even laid down. Utterly confused, Rue stood and walked toward the table. The newspaper from that morning was folded neatly where Ignis usually sat and his jacket was draped over the back of the seat. Where the #$%^...?

Shaking her head, she headed to the bathroom, realizing with general annoyance that she'd slept with her contacts in—again. I'm gonna get a killer infection one these days. Quickly, she switched to her glasses and headed back to the bedroom, uncertain of what to do. Before she could decide, her door swung open and Rayne stood in the doorway, eyebrow arched as she wielded a pair of steaming bowls.

"Well, I'll be #$%^&*. You were right, Iggy."

Rue suddenly noticed the advisor that just barely stood taller than the woman as they entered the room without another word. Confused, she watched them pass her by and settle at the table with their soup. Rayne glanced up at her.

"You don't have to stand there and gawk. Sit down."

"Okay?" Rue obeyed, sitting on the other side of the table beside Ignis, who sat at the end. Finding herself nervous, she watched Rayne take a sip of broth from her spoon.

"This is good."

"I should have added the carrots."

"Nah, I think it's better without them."

"So, uh, anything on the agenda for today?" Rue butted in anxiously, looking between them. They exchanged a look, staring each other down until Rayne gave in, sinking back into her chair and crossing her arms.

"Camelia asked to talk to Noct again—alone—so we're waiting."

"That's all?"

"Yup." She downed another spoonful, grimacing when she burnt her tongue. "#$%^, that's hot."

"Alright..." Rue frowned, chewing on the inside of her cheek. Ignis refused to look at her, focused on the front page of the news that she knew he'd already read judging by the way his eyes flitted across the paper over and over again. "Guys, what—"

"I can't do this," Rayne groaned, throwing her head back. Ignis shot her a warning scowl, but she ignored it. "I'm sorry, I can't."

"Do what?" Rue asked, unnerved by their interaction.

"Why the #$%^ didn't you think to mention that you have a daughter?" Rayne demanded. Suddenly, Rue felt as though she'd been punched in the gut, overcome with nausea at the mere thought that they knew about Ana. She knew the blood was draining from her face as she stumbled over answers, trying desperately to catch Ignis's eye. No such luck. "Didn't you think it was important? Why didn't Eren say anything?"

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