L) Humanity

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"Dex, seriously, dude, slow down."

"I'm starving," Dex moaned, leaning back in his seat. Relir rolled her eyes, watching Rue push her measly salad around her plate. "Get this, Rue. She's got us on this stupid cleanse diet that's suppose to get rid of our toxins or whatever, but really, she's just killing me."

"Stop it," Relir huffed, taking a long drink from her water glass. "We'll be so hot once you're done with it. That's what all the ads said, anyway."

"You already are," Dex grinned, laughing when his fiancé elbowed him.

Rue pressed her lips together, rolling a cherry tomato around her plate. She couldn't help but eye the empty seat beside her. If she'd had an appetite when she arrived, she certainly didn't have one now. These were the times she would look to Eren for a snarky comment to lighten the mood. They'd laugh, joke about how great it was to be single, gang up on the couple. Relir seemed to read her thoughts and the table grew silent.

"Feels wrong without him," Rue finally said, setting her fork down and sinking back into her seat. Dex nodded, sighing.


"Hey, remember that time we came here at the waiter flirted with him the whole time?" Relir asked, proud when Rue cracked a smile. "He was so clearly uninterested, and the guy just persisted!"

"Finally told him he wasn't gay, and the guy said the cardigan threw him off," Rue snickered, taking a drink of the ice-cold water. Dex nodded, shoveling another forkful of food in. "Man, Relir. You really are starving the guy."

"I am not! He's just not used to eating good food."

"Good food doesn't fill me up," Dex countered. Rue raised an eyebrow at her friend pointedly.

"Look at him, Relir! He's a big guy!" There was a long pause and Relir eyed the empty seat. When she spoke, her voice was raw, quiet.

"That's where he would've made a #$%^joke."

"I was waiting for it."

"Me too," Dex huffed. "I needed the ego boost."

"You know that's not why he—" Rue started. Dex choked on his food, coughing and laughing at the same time. Relir rolled her eyes, wiped her mouth with her napkin, and patted his back. He waved her away and she shrugged, going back to her meal as he chugged his water.

"... There's space for another joke," Relir sang out, raising her eyebrows. Rue rolled her eyes.

"What? Dex doesn't swallow?"

"There it is!" Dex cheered, throwing his hands in the air. "She lives!"

"Did you give him caffeine?" Rue hissed, leaning forward. Relir chewed on her lip, rocking her head from side to side.

"I mean, it's part of the diet."

"Gods, Relir. He's losing his #$%^."

"Not yet," Dex replied, pointing an accusing finger at her.

"Not yet," Relir agreed.

"Gods, you guys are teaming up on me when I'm defenseless?"

"Hey, life ain't fair," Dex shrugged, brushing his hair out of his eyes.

"No, it's not."

Rue felt her stomach tighten when she tried to take a bite and gave up, shoving her plate away. Relir forced a sad smile, reaching forward to grab Rue's hands. Dex's eyes stayed on the table, something like guilt reflecting in his eyes. He remembers her. Relir's gaze met hers and she took a deep breath, her shoulders squaring and looking broader beneath the white sweater she adorned.

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