LIII) Finding Solace

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Rue smoothed her hair in the mirror before turning on her heels and hurrying out the front door, determined to make it to the Citadel on time. She thought as she went, hands jammed in her pockets and jaw working a piece of gum. Her alarm hadn't gone off because she'd forgotten to set one. Well, she vaguely remembered to when Ignis pried himself away from her as she mumbled something, still practically dreaming. She could feel where he'd kissed her forehead; she could hear his low voice muttering that he needed to go home unless she wanted another early start. And then, like a fool, she'd set an alarm for the evening. The last time she did that, she was drunk enough to see bursting stars when she blinked.

She was out of breath when she reached the locker room, quickly shedding her jacket and shoving it away before rushing back to the gym, where the Glaive was gathered. Rayne eyed her the entire time she rushed to her spot in the line, eyebrow arched. The look on Rue's face told her that she'd explain later and that was enough. Rayne turned back to the glaives, arms crossed. Instead of her usual t-shirt and leggings getup, she wore a tight, long-sleeved shirt that was built to last a battle. Rue sighed, squeezing her eyes shut. Gods, it's a one-on-one day, isn't it?

"Everyone doing okay?" There was a harmony of mixed responses, but the consensus was that, yes, generally everyone was doing okay. "Good. I hope you're feeling patient because today's just gonna be one of those days where I take you on one by one and telling you all the #$%^ you're doing wrong." Her face twisted into a bitter smile. "It's gonna be a great day."

"Isn't Signum coming today?" someone asked. To no one's surprise, it was Axel, who was rocking nervously from foot to foot. Poor guy.

"He's supposed to be, but he won't answer his #$%^ phone," Rayne shrugged, clearly angry. "Just know that I'll be channeling that into today's assessment."

"Great," Relir huffed, squaring her shoulders.

Relir snickered and turned back to Rayne, who was eyeing them yet again. Pursing her lips, Rue stared hard at the way beyond Rayne's head, willing the woman to let her be. Rayne stared a moment longer before summoning her gunblade with a flick of her wrist and jerking her head toward the front of the line.

"Grayson, you're first."


"The rest of you, go wait out there."

"No time outside?" Axel asked.

"It took too long to find people last time," Grayson shrugged, stepping toward Rayne with two swords in his hands.

"#$%^," Relir hissed, turning on her heels and heading outside the gym. "She's really pissed at her brother."

"Wouldn't you be?" Rue asked absently, falling against the wall outside and sinking to the floor. Ouch. Relir shook her head and sat beside her, looking around to make sure no one was paying any attention to them.

"So, any news about the guy?"

"..." Rue took a deep breath, hating that her friend was so #$%^ nosy. "He came over last night." Relir silently cheered, punching Rue's shoulder.

"I thought you were acting funny."

"What the—" Rue stared at her in bewilderment. "Was I?"

"I'm teasing," Relir laughed, relishing in Rue's embarrassment. "Who asked?"

"Me," Rue shrugged, smiling sheepishly. "But he took the bait, so I'll let my shame rest in peace."

"Hey, no shame here," Relir replied, holding her hands up. "He's a hot one, too. Got all those muscles and he's tall... He's too skinny for my taste, though. I like a bit more—"

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