XI) Mundane

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"C'mon, buddy, get your #$% up. We'll lock you out if you don't come with us; you won't be able to lockpick your way in."

"I can certainly try," Ignis replied dryly, signing the bottom of the last form. 

The piles upon piles of paperwork never seemed to end, and he wasn't entirely sure this new "assistant" was going to be of any use, especially not with her track record. But, she seemed eager to please and ready for a shot so he figured he may as well try. At least, that's what he figured after a bit too much wine and a pleasant evening with Gladio and Prompto.

"I'll get Gladio to hold the door shut," Rayne huffed, squatting and laying her arms across his desk. She rested her cheek on her wrist and stared up at him with bright, wide eyes. "Please?"

"One more moment," he muttered, clipping the pages together and tucking them away. As he stood to pull his jacket on, Rayne leaped to her feet and threw a fist in the air before sprinting back out into the hallway.

"I got 'im, boys!"

"Yeah, yeah," Noctis huffed, peeking his head into the doorway. "Hurry it up, Specs. Cor's gonna beat my #$% for this."

"He will not," Ignis responded calmly, turning to face the young king with an arched eyebrow. "Not if you're careful."


"Are we all driving separately?"

"What do you think?" Rayne asked, poking her head in over Noct's. He flinched, not expecting for her to be so close. "Of course we are! Gladio and I aren't keeping you all overnight, are we?" She paused. "That was rhetorical."

"Of course it was," Ignis grumbled, stepping out of the office and locking the door behind him. Gladio clapped a hand down on his back, grinning.

"Finally rescued him from his cave, huh?"

"Are we going?" Ignis snapped, though it was half-hearted. Really, he was just tired and ready to sit back and let his friends entertain him with their bickering—something he'd never admit he enjoyed, of course.

"Yup," Prompto replied cheerfully, skipping past the advisor. "Where's your car, Iggy?"

"Same place as always," Gladio chuckled. "He's officially claimed that spot by the wall."

"It's a good spot," Noctis shrugged, following his bouncy blonde friend. Rayne nudged Ignis's shoulder, smiling softly.

"You really don't have to come if it's too much."

"Too much?"

"I don't know. They're just a lot and you've been dealing with #$%^&*%^ all day."

"Have I?" Ignis raised an eyebrow.

He understood Rayne's dislike for Rue, he truly did. But at the same time, it was hard to imagine that she could hold such a strong grudge over something that really was not entirely Rue's fault. Of course, his new assistant was clumsy in nearly every aspect of her work, not to mention sloppy, but she was genuinely trying. That was more credit than Rayne ever gave her.

"Any horror stories to humor me?" Rayne prodded. "She dump hot coffee all over you or accidentally shred invaluable information?"

"Nothing of the sort," Ignis replied coolly. "She does as she's told."

"Just you wait," Rayne warned him, though her violet eyes were sparkling as they met his. A sharp prick stabbed into his chest, piercing his heart and forcing him to look forward toward the king and his friend.

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