LV) Recovery

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"Whoops. I'm so sorry, Ignis. Just hold still."

"May I ask what the point of this prodding is, exactly?"

"No, you can shut up and let me help." Rue cringed, glancing up at him. "Sorry."

"It's fine."

She nodded and gently felt along the side of his throat, feeling the burning pressure of Rayne's puffy eyes boring into her the whole way. The woman hadn't spoken a word since she entered the office, standing in silence as a mere shadow. Rue hadn't seen Gladio around anywhere; she prayed he was okay.

"Nothing feels off. Does it hurt?"

"When you're poking at it? Of course."

"And when I'm not?"

"Yes." Ignis sighed, impatient. Rayne watched them with sharp eyes, taking note of every lingering touch, glance, and movement.

"... I'm sorry."

Ignis shook his head and took the potion from her hands, using it quickly before turning to Rayne. Rue felt sick to her stomach, leaning back against the desk and closing her eyes. Gods, he hates me, doesn't he? I pointed a #$%^&*^ gun at his friend, destroyed the love of his life's relationship, and then cried all over him like a baby.

"How is Gladio?"

"He's... Getting himself together," Rayne sighed, crossing her arms. "It's a little rough."

"Because of what happened?" Rue asked quietly. Rayne chewed on her lip thoughtfully.

"Maybe a little. It's more grief than regret."

"Are you guys... okay?" she pressed. Rayne smiled, nodding.

"Yeah, we're okay."

Rue nodded and closed her eyes again, smelling nothing but the bloodbath she saw behind her eyelids. Her stomach clenched.

"Are you okay?"

"... I feel a little sick."

"Well, don't throw up on Iggy," she teased lightly. "Seriously, you look a little green."

"I think I'll be alright," she insisted. Rayne pushed her around the other side of the desk and forced her to sit in Ignis's chair, shoving the small wastebasket into her arms. She smiled at Rue's irritated expression.

"I don't do well with vomit."

"I told you I'm alright."

"It's just in case." Rayne turned back to Ignis, resting a hand on his shoulder gingerly and watching the bruise fade. "#$%^; I thought it was funny that it looked like someone hardcore choked you out."

"I did not."

"Don't be cranky," she admonished. "I'm going to go make sure Signum's holding up okay. I think Noct wanted to talk to him."

"Then he means to be alone," Ignis pointed out. She made a point of not hearing him, closing the door behind her loudly.

Sighing, he turned back to Rue, who looked simply miserable. He wasn't sure why he was irritated with her. Perhaps it was the persistent poking while she tried to pretend nothing was wrong. Clearly, something had happened in the throne room—something far more painful than Signum's injuries. And yet, there she was, scowling down at the shredded papers in the garbage bin as if they were the bane of her existence. Someone who could afford the luxury of forgetfulness... perhaps that's what made him angry.

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