XLI) Top Secret

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The sharp pangs in Rue's head woke her abruptly. Her hand reached up to press to her temple and an agonizing pain shot through her right side. Wincing, she forced her eyes open, alarmed by her surroundings. The room was nearly pitch black, lit only by a streak of light that peeked between the curtains on her left wall. It took her a fair amount of time to realize she was laying in Ignis's bed, in Ignis's room, in Ignis's house. Her head relaxed into the pillow for a moment longer, her neck screaming a throbbing protest.

Screwing her eyes shut, she tried to remember why she hurt so badly. She remembered getting into Rayne's car and that they spoke. She couldn't quite remember the topic, but it must've been funny—she remembered Rayne laughing. A stoplight, lots of horns... and then nothing. She huffed, irritated. Is anyone taking care of my cat? Gritting her teeth, she tried to sit up. Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes; the pain was unbearable. It felt like someone stuck a knife in her gut and sawed her insides open.

"Ignis?" she called, grimacing when her head reacted to her loud voice with shooting pains. She heard movement somewhere outside and waited impatiently. The door creaked open and Ignis stepped inside; he was clearly tense.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, nearing the bed and eyeing her sharply. She sighed as her arm screamed to be let out from under her.

"Everything hurts."

"Rightly so. Lie back down."

"Why?" He didn't answer, waiting patiently. She sighed, sinking back down onto the mattress and resisting the urge to curl up into a ball and cry the pain away. If she did that, it would hurt more. 

"Don't move."

"Why?" she repeated. He still didn't reply, sitting beside her gingerly and carefully pulling up the hem of her shirt. "Look, I appreciate the admiration, but I really don't think now's the..." She trailed off when he raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to shut up. "Sorry."

"Your wounds haven't reopened," he reported, touching his glasses and lowering her shirt. "That's good. You have nasty bruising left behind."

"I can feel it," she murmured. Their eyes met and she refused to look away. Pressing her lips together, she reached forward blindly and took hold of his hand. No gloves for once. Thank the gods. "What happened? I'm blanking."

"A car accident." He sighed, turning his eyes to the door. "The driver wasn't paying attention—or perhaps it was Rayne. Either way, you were hit."

"Of course I was."

"You do seem to attract all sorts of bad luck," he replied half-heartedly. She laughed quietly, though she regretted it when her side screamed for mercy.

"#$%^," she hissed. He glanced down at his lap when she crushed his hand in hers. "Sorry."

"Don't apologize."

"Fine. Got any drugs to kick this down a notch?"

"Yes. If you'll let go, I can go get something for you."


Ignis's lips twitched into the smallest of smiles and he stood, heading out of the room. She closed her eyes and listened to his footsteps throughout the house, the clinking of glass, and the voices in the living room. Her eyes opened. Voices? Who is that? Ignis reentered the room only to turn into the conjoined bathroom, filling the glass in his hand. The sound of rattling pills caught her attention, but she still found herself distracted by the sound of people speaking. Ignis silently urged her to sit up, waiting patiently as she dragged herself through the process. She took the pills without question, gulping down the water before setting the glass on the table.

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