LI) Patience, a Virtue

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"So, I was thinking," Rayne started, swinging her legs as she sat on the edge of her desk. Rue sat before her, still in her clothes from training, arms crossed.

"Well, that's dangerous."

"And I don't partake often," Rayne retorted, smiling fondly. "But... I still think you and Iggy are perfect."

"Rayne, seriously," Rue groaned, falling into one of the chairs nearby and pinching the bridge of her nose. "We've been through this. It's not gonna happen."

"I mean, I wasn't gonna say anything, but..." Rayne shrugged, tossing her hair over her shoulder. "Gladio knows what happened and he agrees. Ignis doesn't just do that #$%^. It means something."

"Good for him." Rue tried her best to look indifferent. "It's better this way, Rayne. Even if Ignis did want something, he's way safer keeping to himself and getting over it."

"Love isn't about being safe."

"This isn't about love."

"What is it, then?" Rayne arched an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "You can't lie to me, Rue. You know what happened when you called me drunk that one night? You went on and on about how attractive Iggy is. Said he's twelve times better than Gladio." She wrestled a mischievous grin. "Now, I don't agree with you at all, but that has to mean something." Rue's face went red. #$%^, that's what happened?

"He was there, wasn't he?"

"Who, Iggy? Yeah. He heard the whole thing, got all mumbly and red. I thought it was cute." Rayne laughed, shaking her head. "I'm telling you; you've got feelings for him."

"And I'm telling you you're wrong. Just because I think someone's attractive doesn't mean we're meant to be." She stood, digging deep into her quelled anger for something far more... convincing. "Besides, he got significantly less attractive when he decided to kiss a girl who was clearly taken."

"Ouch." Rayne winced and took a deep breath. "Fine, you're still mad at him. I get it. But I'm telling you—if you give him a chance, you might be surprised."

"I don't gamble," Rue huffed, standing. That's a #$%^&*^ lie and you know it. She hid a smile. Isn't that the whole point?

"Fine, fine. I'll get you to see someday."

"Maybe by that point he'll be moving on."

"#$%^&, he loved me for ten years. The guy doesn't let people go that easily." Ow.

"Ever wonder how much that had to hurt? I mean, to see his two best friends fall in love after all those years of trying to get through to you." Rayne's smile fell and she nodded, glancing down at the ring on her finger. "Not to make you feel bad, I just think about it sometimes."

"No, I do too. But that's the thing, I guess, is that I just couldn't ever look at him that way. It's not that he's hideous or a terrible person or anything. I just can't deal with people who are that particular and that careful. He thinks everything through until he loses his #$%^&*^ mind and I needed someone who could talk me down from that #$%^, not egg me on."

"Makes sense. You strike me as a girl to chase down the big, muscly guys anyway."

"I like competition," she shrugged smugly, flexing. Rue rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, throwing a hip out to the side.

"Is that all you needed? Pretty sure I'm supposed to be wandering around and waiting for someone to ask for a break."

"No, it's not." Rayne grinned, leaning back onto the heels of her hands. "Gladio and I were gonna go out for dinner tonight and I thought maybe we could haul you and Iggy along. Gladio doesn't mind."

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