XV) Mistaken

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"Thanks for the ride," Rue muttered, unbuckling her seatbelt and tugging on the door handle. It moved easily, but the door itself wouldn't budge. Uncertainly, she looked over at Gladio, who stared at her apartment building in silence. He looked like he was turning a thought over and over in his head, something most weren't accustomed to seeing. "Um..."

"I wanted to say thank you," Gladio stated dully, finally meeting her curious gaze. His eyes were sharp enough to kill a man, and yet, they shined with enough genuine softness to keep her from immediately looking at her lap. "I dunno if you can even tell, but he's lightening up again."


"Yeah." He leaned forward against the steering wheel, crossing his arms over the top. His brows were furrowed. "Prom, too. He needs a friend, so thanks for that."

"Oh, it's really not a problem," Rue rushed, speaking earnestly. He shook his head, his long hair swaying across his shoulders.

"I wasn't expecting you to do him any favors, but he's happier since you came around." Rue wasn't sure what to say, but Gladio filled the silence for her with a sigh. "And I'm sorry about Rayne, too."

"Don't be."

"I have to be." His lips quirked into a slight smile. "It's my job. She gets #$%^ done, and it's messy, but I gotta clean up after her." He shrugged, scratching his beard. "I gotta admit, I suck at the sappy $%^, but I really am grateful."

"Uh, thanks, I guess," Rue stuttered, unsure how to reply. She'd just spent three hours watching four of the king's closest friends taunt and tease each other, saw Ignis genuinely laugh, felt welcome when Prompto sat by her and embarrassed when Rayne lectured him and gave him a rundown of all her faults. Where the heck had "sappy Gladio" come from in the midst of all that?

"I have another favor to ask."

"What is it?"

"I..." Gladio paused, frowning. He took a deep breath and shook his head. "No, never mind. I'll let you know when I need you, but it probably won't be for a while."

"... What?"

"Don't worry about it." Gladio fell back into his seat and unlocked the doors. "Have a good night."

"Thanks," Rue forced out, quickly exiting the car. "See you tomorrow."


Rue headed upstairs to her apartment, where Honey bounded up to her legs and rubbed her face all over her left ankle, purring. Rue hardly noticed her, drained, and threw herself into bed almost immediately, mentally running over her evening. Rayne drank too much of everything Ignis had, which apparently was normal, and bounded around the house singing some song about her younger brother and his boyfriend, the very same obnoxious Axel she despised so much from training.

Ignis disappeared into his room for a bit, Rayne and Gladio watched as Prompto showed Rue his collection of photos from his journey with the king, explaining the stories behind some. When Ignis reappeared, he pulled Rue aside to inform her that she could come in whatever time she wanted to on Saturday after the Crownsguard left, just as long as her work was finished before she went home that evening. He looked horrible. Rue sighed, switching off the lamp beside her bed and pulling the covers up to her chin. The night was a blur mixed with regret, surprise, and a touch of warmth from Prompto's eager friendliness. By the time she felt the least bit drowsy, her mind was racing again.

Before she could dissect her every life decision, her phone's screen lit up. Startled, she turned down the brightness and pulled her glasses on from where they rested on her bedside table.

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