LVI) Getting Nowhere

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            The shrill sound of Ignis's alarm dragged Rue up from a dreamless sleep. She rolled away from him when he started to get up, gathering up all the blankets she could and cocooning in them. Half-awake, she heard the shower start up before she succumbed to sleep once more. The lights woke her a second time when Ignis reentered the room, dressed and prepared for the day. Taking a deep breath, she rolled over and watched him scroll through his phone, likely scanning the news.

"Good morning," she grumbled, stretching her arms over her head. He merely raised an eyebrow, choosing to continue reading rather than to look up at her. "Anything interesting?"

"It's the same as always," he replied.

"And that is...?"

"Reconstruction efforts and complaints from disgruntled mothers."

"Ah." Rue sat up and pushed her glasses onto her face, not quite ready to leave the warmth of the bed. The sun peaked over the curtain rod, lighting the room far better than one of the lamps could have. I should probably shower. She grimaced. But I really don't want to. She fell back against the pillows. I think it can wait a little longer.

"The others will be up soon if they aren't already," Ignis said, tucking his phone away.

"Is that your way of telling me to get my #$% out of bed?"

"There's a good chance."

"Is it ever 'yes' or 'no' with you?"


"Funny, Ignis." She scoffed. He couldn't have looked smugger if he tried. She rolled over, propping her chin up with her hand. "Did you sleep well?"

Ignis's expression melted away with the slightest twitch of a frown. He wished he could say he had a restful night, filled with peaceful dreams and minimal disturbances, but that was hardly the case. Even after all this time, the instincts he'd conformed himself to in his years of blindness continued to kick in. The senses may have faded in strength, but the reactions were still there. His ears refused to rest, his skin was sensitive to touch, and occasionally he'd find himself panicking as he tried to open his eyes, only to awaken realizing he had been half-dreaming. It was a night as nights had always been since the Dawn; not restless, but certainly not restful. The separation from Noctis at such a dangerous time didn't do him any favors.

"As well as I could," he finally answered, touching his glasses and turning back to the window. He craved to open them and let the sunshine in, but at the same time, he feared that would be all the enemy needed to locate them—if they hadn't already.

"I understand," Rue nodded, though he knew she didn't really.

She had a knack for bouncing back and forth between cold and empathetic. If one didn't know to find the signs, her constant changes would be alarming. Even if Rue couldn't understand, Ignis could. She adapted subconsciously and, only in the aftermath, wondered if she'd been too much this and too little that. It was only natural. He nodded to acknowledge her statement and stood, feeling restlessness settle into his anxious body. All he wanted was to ease his mind by seeing that Noctis was alright.

"I'll be right back," he said, hurrying out the door before she could reply.

With a long, sure stride, Ignis headed down the narrow hallway of peeling paint and chipped wood, stopping at Noctis's room. His hand hesitated above the door, hovering. For a moment, he worried he'd been too anxious to check on the young king, but in the end, he decided he'd better check regardless. Better to over-mother than to set him off on his own too early. When he knocked and heard groans and grumbles, he knew he had no reason to fear. Prompto came to the door, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

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