VII) Problematic

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"Do they ever give you a break?" Prompto asked, cocking his head to the side and grinning. Rue shrugged, glancing at the throne room doors.

"Not really, but I can't say there's much work to be done anyway," she admitted.

"I guess not," he laughed softly. "I see you standin' out here all the time. You here permanently?"

"I, uh, think so." Rue's heart skipped a beat and she took a deep breath with her hands anxiously twisted together behind her back. "What're you doing down here, anyway?"

"Harsh," he hissed playfully, earning a slight smile from the guard. "I was just gonna check in on Noct. Y'know, see how's he's holding up." He rubbed that back of his neck uneasily, resting a hand on his hip. "I just never get to see him anymore."

"Becoming king'll suck up all your time," Rue nodded, jerking her head toward the door. "Go on ahead; he shouldn't be busy."

"Actually, he is."

The two jumped as a deep voice broke their conversation. Cor stood a short distance away with his arms crossed, his sharp eyes staring hard into Rue's. She shifted uncomfortably.

"Oh, is he?" Prompto asked, mostly unfazed. Cor glanced at him before coming closer, staring down at Rue. Forcing her fear away as a distant enemy, she straightened, squaring her shoulders and meeting his gaze head-on.

"He's scheduled to be in another set of negotiations until late tonight," he replied steadily. "What's your name?"

"Corden, sir."

"Corden, you have no authority to allow His Majesty casual visitors, and if for some reason Schrader gave it to you, you'll have to retrieve a copy of his schedule from his advisor every morning and prepare for the changes that occur throughout the day." His eyes narrowed just the slightest bit; he seemed irritated by Rue's lack of response. "Who is allowed to enter this room without previous notice if Noctis has time to spare?"

"Rayne, Gladio, Ignis, yourself, and Prompto," she answered, unconsciously chewing on the inside of her cheek. "I'm assuming, at least."

"Schrader never informed you?"

"No, sir."

"Well, it's not her fault, then," Prompto stepped in hopefully. Cor ignored him.

"The only people allowed in here unannounced are Rayne, Gladio, and Ignis. Do you understand me?" Of course... The advisor and the end-all, be-all sacrifices for the king's life. How could she have possibly thought otherwise? 

"What?!" Prompto blurted, earning a scowl. "S-sorry. It's just—"

"There's no time for friendly visits in these times," Cor interrupted. He even looked a tad sympathetic. "I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay," Prompto reassured him, lifting a hand to wave at Rue. "Uh, see ya, then. I guess." Rue nodded back with her lips pursed, turning her attention back to Cor.

"I'm assuming I'll have to trust that you're here according to the schedule?" Unintentionally, the words sounded mocking. Cor took a deep breath.

"Yes. No more assumptions." He pressed a hand to the door, hesitating. "If you have any contacts in the guard, it would be wise to have them take your place while you search out Ignis."

"Now? He won't be a part of this negotiation?"

"No. He's..." Cor closed his eyes, sighing. Even the man of strict, perfect control slipped on his words sometimes, spilling things he never meant to say. "He's a bit swamped with work today. He'll either be in the kitchen or his office."

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