LVII) Blast from the Past

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"What the #$%^ are you doing here?" Rayne demanded, shooting off the edge of Noct's bed and glowering at the young man in the doorway. Rue looked up from her phone to see Signum standing there, his wounds scarred and his bruises nearly all gone. Prompto nearly dropped his bowl of oatmeal on the floor.

"I came to see Iris." The boy's dull blue eyes traveled around the room slowly, taking in all the mixed reactions. He nodded toward Noctis. "And to help you guys take care of His majesty."

"He's not dying," Rayne scoffed. "And nothing will happen while we're around."

"Oh, really?" Sig turned sharply to face her, his eyes darkened with bitterness. "Remind me what happened while you were Altissia." He swept an arm out to the side. "I mean really, look at you guys. A cameraman, a secretary, and two lovers who're too busy staring at each other to look around. That sound safe to you?"

"And you think adding a little #$%^& to the mix would be helpful?" Gladio retorted, shaking his head. "Get a grip."

"... Close the door," Rayne said finally. She didn't sit back down as she waited, arms crossed and eyes narrowed on the wall behind Gladio. Signum shrugged and obeyed, but he didn't venture very far from his exit. "You do realize that this isn't all about Iris, don't you?"

"I'm not that stupid," he retorted. Rayne's eyes flared and Rue knew it was time for everyone else to step back and shut their mouths.

"No? You thought it was a good idea to come waltzing into the same town your attackers are supposedly based and lead them right to us? You're not an unrecognizable face, Signum."

"You think I don't know that? I didn't exactly come dressed in my gear." He waved to the front of his wrinkled t-shirt, turning his eyes back up to his sister's sharply.

"How did you find us?" Noctis asked, only ever looking away to exchange a look with Ignis.

"I knew you were headed to Lestallum," Sig shrugged. "You'd be too afraid to stay in a big group with other Crownsguard members if you wanted to stay hidden, and there's only one hotel here so..." He let his words trail off, his point made. Rayne cursed under her breath and ran a hand through her hair. "The lady at the front desk told me which rooms you were in when I asked for the king."

"You're kidding me," Rayne scoffed.

"They need a better privacy policy," Signum shrugged.

"You need to leave," his sister sighed. "We have enough help here."

"See, that's your problem," Sig countered, raising his voice with the tension that threatened to choke them all. "You think you're still in charge of me and every little thing I do." Gods, we love a good family soap opera, Rue thought sardonically, rolling her eyes and sinking back against Prompto. Still, she had to admit she was on edge. This was not good.

"Technically, I'm your boss," Rayne muttered.

"Technically, you got a taste of power and now you're abusing it."

"Good gods, Signum, I have no power," she snorted.

"Just because you #$%^&*^ raised me doesn't mean you get a say in my life," Signum continued, waving his hands like a madman. Seriously, how old is this guy? "Dad didn't want me—cool. You can't use that to—"

"It's always all about your daddy issues," Gladio grumbled. Signum whirled around and glowered at him.

"You don't get a say in anything! This is a family problem."

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