XLVII) Direction

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The glaives cheered as Axel hurled his dagger across the room and disappeared with a piercing rush of wind, reappearing on the opposite end and clutching his blade. He stumbled, caught his balance, and turned to grin at Rayne with bright eyes. Proud, he bowed.

"Never got the hang of warping," Rayne muttered to herself for the umpteenth time, shaking her head. "Nice job. Anyone care to try while we've got time to kill? Rue?"

"#$%^ no," Rue scoffed, crossing her arms. "You think I can do that?"

"You got a point," Rayne snorted.

The Glaive started at them with cold, blank eyes. Relir forced a smile and clapped a hand down on Rue's shoulder. Dex avoided all eye contact, pretending to be busy with his glove. The soldiers weren't being subtle about it. They didn't like that Rue was there, a part of them, as an undertrained, useless piece of garbage decoration that was added as an accessory because she was friends with the boss. Rayne had never been lenient before; why was she loosening the reins now? The young warrior had never been known to like the lazy and the weak, and Rue was both of those. Why was she vouching for her? Rue sighed, tucking her hair behind her ear. She understood, she really did, but it certainly didn't make things any easier.

"No? Fine; go back to your stations. We've got some private lessons to finish up," Rayne said flatly, watching Gladio enter the wide training room.

Glaives shot Rue cold looks as they strolled past, though some, like Gracen and Axel, were kind enough to grace her with reassuring smiles. She chose not to take notice, nodding her farewells to Relir and Dex and heading toward Rayne and Gladio. The two were muttering back and forth as they often did when they preferred not to be heard, stepping apart when Rue approached. Rayne pressed a kiss to Gladio's cheek before hurrying out the door with a quick wave to Rue.

"Everything okay?" Rue asked, watching the doors swing shut. With a sigh, Gladio nodded and scratched at his beard.

"Yeah. She's just... Yeah. Everything's okay."

"... Okay." Rue lifted a wooden sword, twisting it over and over in her hands thoughtfully. Her mind felt slow and her body sluggish. She hadn't slept a wink. "I'm... really tired."

"It happens when you move," Gladio shrugged.

"No, it's not that." Rue bite her tongue and shook her head. It was too late to take the words back.

"What is it, then?"

"I..." She swallowed to wet her dry mouth, looking around the polished room as she picked her words. "I keep thinking about the past lately. Wondering how things would be different if the Empire hadn't attacked and the Darkness hadn't come." She ran her fingers over the wooden blade. "I'd be in prison or dead, one of the two. King Regis would still be in power and Ana—" Her throat caught as the name slipped and she couldn't make herself complete the thought. "I think it's just because I've been by myself so much. I think when I'm alone."

"We'll fix that, then," Gladio replied warmly, wisely choosing not to comment on her daughter's mention. "But only if you make it through today. You want a tip? Put it all into the fight; don't lose your cool."

"Thanks," she sighed, offering a smile. He arched an eyebrow.

"It's advice I've given before."

"No, I mean... Just for everything."

"Don't do that," Gladio chuckled.


"Get all sappy." He drew his sword. "And use a real blade. No more #$%^& weapons. You can handle it."

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