V) Not Alone

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"Waiter! Hey, can I get another water?"

"Dex, that's the third water you've ordered in the past twenty minutes," Relir hissed, kicking at his long legs under the table. The mousey waitress at their tableside forced a small smile.

"It's fine, Miss. He can have as many as he wants." With that, she bustled away. Relir snorted, rolling her eyes and sinking back in her seat.

"Not for you to decide," she muttered. Dex kicked her back.

"Not for you to decide, either."

"Guys," Eren huffed, picking at the pile of roasted vegetables that rested in the middle of the table. "Try not to fight tonight?"

"That's literally impossible," Rue scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Have you met those two? The bickering never stops."

"It does when we're in bed," Dex mumbled around a mouthful of bread. Relir kicked him again. Sighing, Eren looked across the small table to Rue, shaking his head. She smiled back, leaning forward and pressing her elbows against the rough wood. Whatever it was she was going to say was cut off by Dex's lazy drawl.

"So, how's guard duty treating you?" he asked, cocking his head to the side. His shaggy blonde hair, which was currently tied up in a short ponytail, flopped toward his shoulder.

"Fine," Rue shrugged. "It was awful the first week because I got stuck with some cranky old hag, but the Captain moved me to another location and everything's dandy again."

"Any cute guys?" Relir teased, flashing a smug smile. Rue shrugged, trying her hardest not to acknowledge Cam's face as it appeared in her mind's eye. The guy was weird, but she couldn't deny he had some good qualities. She shook her head; he was her boss. She shouldn't think like that.

"No... Not that I'm really looking."

"Why not?" Her friend nudged her with her shoulder. "Come on, Rue. You're pretty; you can pick out any guy you want from that place."

"I dunno," Rue sighed, playing with her glass of ice water. "I just can't bring myself to care, I guess. Guys are a waste of time."

"Yeah, until you find the right one."

Eren rolled his eyes, nodding toward the glimmering ring on Relir's finger.

"Yeah, Rue, just find yourself a cocky douche bag and get hitched."

"Hey!" Dex shoved Eren's shoulder. "I'm not a douche! I treat 'er right, don't I, Relir?"

"Unfortunately," Relir muttered, playfully scowling at him. Rue crinkled her nose. "Anyway, I'm right. She's pretty, isn't she, guys?"

"Not my type," Dex grumbled, shrugging and dumping a mound of ice into his mouth. Relir reached across the table and swatted the side of his head.

"Not helpful," she snapped. Eren sighed, shaking his head.

"I mean, yeah, but that's not everything."

"Exactly," Rue agreed sarcastically. "I have a distinct lack of personality."

"Oh, whatever," Relir scoffed, looking up as the waitress returned. "You just gotta put yourself out there and quit hiding in your apartment every time you have a day off."

"I need my alone time," Rue frowned, watching Dex accept his drink with a dimpled smile. "I'm just not ready for a relationship."

"Then don't have one," Relir shrugged as though the answer was obvious. "Have a couple of flings. Try new things. Figure out what it is you want in a man and then hunt him down."

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