XLIX) Progression

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"How'd you sleep?" Rayne asked, lounging across the top of her desk. Can she use any furniture normally? Rue shrugged, shuddering.

"Alright. I need to do something about how cold it gets at night."

"Yeah, I was #$%^&*% freezing."


"Not your fault." Rayne took a drink from the iced coffee that rested on the edge of the desk thoughtfully. "Where did you and Iggy disappear off to? Don't think I didn't notice you guys left."

"Oh, we uh..." Rue tried desperately to keep her face from going red as the previous evening's events replayed through her head. "You know that cliff that overlooks Insomnia?" Rayne nodded. "We sat up there and watched the sunset since I can't see it from my house."

"That all?"

"I mean, he made me mac and cheese and drank Ebony, but yeah. That's it." She swallowed hard. "Why do you ask?"

"Forgive me for being nosy," Rayne started, swinging her legs around to hang them off the edge of the desk. "But I just thought, maybe, that there was a little something... more between you two?" Despite herself, Rayne was fighting a smile. Honestly, she was disappointed Ignis hadn't made a bigger move, but it was a start. Rue shifted uncomfortably.

"Uh, no. Not at all." She frowned. "What gave you gave that impression?"

"He kissed you," Rayne shrugged. Rue hugged her arms to her body, her heart pounding at the words. Yeah, he did, didn't he?

"Yeah, well... I mean, he apologized. He didn't mean to and I understand. I kinda just wanna move past it."

"He didn't mean to?" Rayne scoffed. "How do you accidentally kiss someone?"

"I don't know," Rue huffed, rolling her eyes.

"You're not exactly taken anymore," Rayne added. Rue's stomach tightened guiltily.

"Just drop it," she snapped. #$%^, did I actually just get pissed in my little lie? Go me. Rayne held up her hands.

"Okay, okay. I just want you guys to be happy."

"I am happy."

"I doubt it." Rayne picked up a folder and held it out. "Here. Before you head down to training with Gladio, drop this off for me, will you? Iggy let me sort through these since I know the Glaive #$%^ better than he does."

"What is it?"

"Glaive #$%^."

Rue rolled her eyes and took the folder. Her heart fluttered as she headed toward Ignis's office. She only slightly wished she still worked for him. Times weren't simpler back then, but they were certainly less exciting. She knocked softly, heard his call for her to enter, and carefully turned the knob to step inside. Ignis glanced up and turned from his computer screen, waiting. He looked at her as he always had, as though nothing had happened. Rue's heart sank; she closed the door and headed toward his desk.

"Rayne wanted me to drop this off. Apparently, she's too lazy to walk two doors down to give it over herself."

"I doubt it's laziness that's stopping her," he replied coolly, taking the folder. His eyes flickered up to hers. "She seems to have acquired an obsession with matchmaking." Rue was immediately relieved, hiding a smile.

"Yeah, she enlightened me with interests just a moment ago."

"Did she?" Ignis opened a drawer and tucked the folder away. "Who's caught her eye now?"

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