XXV) Dirty Thirty

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"Are you certain you still want to come?"

"C'mon, Iggy, quit trying to send her home," Prompto protested, crossing his arms. Rue raised an eyebrow at Ignis, allowing a wry smile.

"Yeah, Ignis, why don't you want me there?"

"Honestly," Ignis muttered, sighing and pressing a finger to his temple. "I simply don't want you to feel obligated because of Rayne's less-than-gracious invitation."

"Have you met me? Grace and I don't really mix all that well."

"Neither do you and Rayne."

"Whatever," Prompto scoffed, shaking his head. "She takes time to warm up to people."

"Right..." Rue shook her head. "Listen, I don't even care if she likes me or not."

"No?" Ignis arched an eyebrow. Rue shrugged. 

"I mean, it would be helpful, but we don't exactly have to be friends."

"Do you still intend on joining the Glaive?" Ignis asked coolly. Rue hesitated. Should she even consider being honest and tell him that this job was all just a ploy to get back into the Citadel? Probably not.

"I think I gave up on that a long time ago," she replied, letting her shoulders slump the slightest bit. "There's no place for me there, and so I'll find my place elsewhere."

"I can hardly expect you to serve me forever."

"Serve him," Prompto repeated sarcastically. Rue stifled a laugh. "Hey, Noct's coming, right?"

"Yes," Ignis nodded, standing and pulling his jacket off the back of his seat. He shrugged it on slowly, clearly pondering something. "Prompto, do you know about his progress on communication with the settlement outside the city?"

"The one that canceled on us?" Prompto shook his head, shrugging dejectedly. "I dunno. We don't get to talk very often."

"He's been busy," Ignis reminded him, checking to make sure his car keys still resided in his pocket. "I'll ask him on the way."

"It's none of my business," Rue started, quickly adding, "Not that that ever stops me anyway." Ignis clearly agreed with her additional statement, waiting for her to continue. "But it seems to me that he's had a bit of a stressful time these past few weeks. I know you want to be kept up to date, but I think that maybe tonight we should just avoid talking about that sort of stuff altogether."

"I agree!" Prompto announced cheerfully, grinning at Ignis as he waited for his response. The advisor's brow furrowed, and he touched his glasses. Rue crossed her thin arms uncomfortably, waiting. Finally, he sighed and gave the slightest nod, heading for the door.

"I suppose a break would do him well."

"He's a real softie underneath all that grumpiness," Prompto whispered, nudging Rue's shoulder with his. She scoffed, leaving the office and keeping her voice low.

"Maybe to you guys."

"Nah, you just gotta prove yourself and then he eases off."

"Prove myself," she repeated, rolling her eyes.

"I'm serious! He just wants to make sure you're doing the best you can before he stops pushing you so hard. Unless you just get used to it and it feels like he's easing off..."

"Aren't you observant," she teased, watching Ignis lock his office door. Guess having criminals crawling all over your workplace doesn't inspire much trust.

"Not gonna lie; I repeated that all from Rayne." Rayne? She shook her head, sighing. I kept forgetting those two are close. It was a strange match, the uptight smarty-pants and the pushy meat shield.

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