IV) Newbie

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"#$%^, that suits you."

"Um... Thanks?"

Rue shifted uncomfortably as Cam looked her up and down. The uniform was a bit snug in some places, but all in all, it wasn't too itchy or heavy or anything of the sort. It was alarming that he somehow knew her measurements, but she brushed it off and assumed he received the info from Rayne. More like hoped.

"What? It does!" Upon receiving a weak, forced smile, Cam huffed and changed the subject. "Come on; I'll show you where you'll be standing guard."

He led the way down the hall and the stairs, holding the door for her when they stepped outside. The sun barely peeked over the horizon as they headed around the side of the Citadel. Finally, he stopped at a vehicle entry point. A middle-aged woman in a matching uniform turned upon hearing them walking toward her.

"Captain," she greeted, her voice cold and stern. Her graying hair was pulled up into a tight bun on top of her head and her face had a distinct lack of wrinkles. Either she'd never smiled a day in her life, or her scalp was pulled so far back by her hairstyle that it gave her a facelift. Perhaps it was a touch of both.

"Gale," Cam acknowledged, nodding. "Meet our new recruit, Rue. It's her first day on the job and I figured there was no one more knowledgeable about guard duty than yourself."

"Hi," Rue smiled, sticking out her hand. Gale arched a thin eyebrow, blatantly turning her down. Awkwardly, Rue let her arm fall back at her side and glanced up at Cam, who seemed a bit offended by the whole interaction.

"She out here the whole day?" Gale demanded.

"Just about. The location will change from day to day, but it's always eight to twelve-hour watch shifts. At least, until we come up with a bigger budget for a bigger group."

"I know that," Gale snapped, her sharp gray eyes flicking back and forth between the two. Cam shrugged.

"The explanation was more for Rue."


"We'll be back later. The King's advisor wants to see her first thing."

"Doesn't he always?" Gale grumbled, turning her back to them. It was clear she would say no more. Sighing, Cam rubbed at the back of his neck and led the way back inside.

"Is she... always like that?" Rue asked carefully. Cam nodded.

"Yeah... She's really something. But she's the best of the best at what she does; She's been on watch here since King Noctis was a kid. Survived the Fall and everything that came after."


"Right?" Cam motioned for her to head up the stairs, offering a smile. "Alright, you know where to go. Head back to Gale after Scientia wrings you dry and hunt me down if you need anything else." He cocked his head to the side. "I look forward to seeing more of you."

Rue couldn't help but frown as he walked away. Does he mean to come off as creepy, or...? Shaking her head, she headed up to the offices of the Crownsguard and found the door labeled "Ignis Scientia: Head Tactician and Advisor." She took a deep breath before knocking twice on the door. He's really here this early? She peered down the hallway; it was dead silent. There was no way these guys had a requirement on when they had to show. The King adored them all too much for that. Well, minus Cam, she supposed.

She turned back to the door. Should I knock again? Uncertain, she counted to ten, rocking back and forth on her feet. Yeah... Guess I should. Her knuckles rapped against the wood twice more. Hardly a moment after her hand drew away, the door swung wide open and the king's advisor stood before her—no, more like towered over her—with a scowl on his face. The gnarled scars that twisted the skin around his vivid green eyes made his expression all the more intimidating.

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