XLI) Progress

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"#$%^," Rue moaned as her alarm went off. Everything was painful and sharp, throbbing and spinning. "What the #$%^ did I do?"

"You want the long version or the short one?" Relir asked, stepping out of Rue's closet. "You're a #$%^^*& hoarder, by the way. Just thought you should know."

"I know." Rue thought for a moment. "Give me the short version."

"You dumped Eren, drank a lot of tequila, and then you called me and I came to put you to bed."

"Brevity. I like it." Rubbing her temples, she rolled around until she was sitting up, legs hanging over the edge of the bedside. "That's it?"

"I mean, you also called Rayne and had a lengthy conversation about absolutely nothing."

"Wonderful," Rue groaned, catching a glimpse of the water glass on the table beside her. She reached for it and downed the pile of painkillers Relir left there for her. "Gods, why am I like this?" she whined, falling onto her back and covering her eyes with her arm to shield them from the light. Every movement felt like $%^#.

"I dunno, but you've got a meeting don't you?"

"How'd you know that?" Rue frowned, peeking out at her. Relir raised her eyebrow.

"You set an alarm for eight p.m. labeled 'Stupid Boy Meeting.' I assumed it was meant for morning, so I switched it."

"Ugh. It's Cam." She huffed, sliding onto the floor and bringing half the blankets with her. Relir rolled her eyes and dragged Rue to her feet.

"You did this to yourself, Sweetheart. C'mon, get ready for that meeting." She hesitated. "Do... you want me to come with you?"

"No, no, it'll be okay." Rue hobbled toward the bathroom. Gods, why do I still feel drunk?

"Well, at least let me drive you."

"I don't have a problem with that," Rue shrugged. She shut the door and turned on the shower, unable to recount half the previous day; she wouldn't try even if she wanted to remember, honestly. The hot water felt wonderful on her skin. It felt like a fresh start, which she so dearly needed.

"Made you coffee," Relir said when Rue entered the kitchen.

"Thanks," Rue huffed, testing the heat of the drink before chugging it down. Honestly, she didn't care that she was about to go get another coffee. She was just grateful to be awake and moving without much repercussion for the night before. Just happy I didn't throw up.

"Almost ready?" Relir pushed. "I told Rayne I'd be a bit late today—I'm sure she knows why." Rue rolled her eyes. "Don't give me that look, you did that to yourself."

"Yeah, yeah," she huffed, setting her mug down and heading to the door to pull on her shoes and her jacket. It felt good to wear something other than expensive "sexy secretary" clothes for once. "C'mon, let's get this show on the road."

The coffee shop was busy, as usual. I'm gonna need more caffeine. Rue tugged her jacket tighter around her shoulders and waving to Relir's car as she drove away. The décor was exactly the same as it was when she came here the last time—the day she convinced Gladio to let her work for Ignis. It felt like centuries ago. Sighing, she caught a glimpse of Cam's familiar broad shoulders as she waited in line, feeling her heart speed up at the mere sight of him. One of these days I'm gonna die from a heart attack.

"Hi! What can I get for you today?" the barista in the man bun asked, flashing a practiced grin. Rue was unfazed by his charms and answered blandly.

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