LX) Bad Luck Charm

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Rue shivered, pulling her blanket tighter around her shoulders. Honey stood, batting at her face and jumping off the couch. The television played at low volume, filling the space, but Rue wasn't paying attention. Her chest was tight and achy, and her breaths grew alarmingly fast if she didn't concentrate on the pace. Everything inside tried to redirect her to the consequences of her actions. I messed up. Her skin prickled with goosebumps and her fingers were ice-cold—numb. Honey padded back toward the couch, rubbing her face along the soft cushions before disappearing again. Rue sighed, clutching the blanket at her chest so it hung like a cape. She's hungry.

She headed to the laundry room and pulled down the container of dry food, listening to its rattle as she walked to the kitchen. Honey chased her, her steps light on her soft paws. Quickly, Rue filled the cat's bowl and set it on the floor across the room, ushering her off the counter. Lost with nothing to do yet again, she leaned back against the smooth counter, watching her pet devour her dinner.

Rue almost settled into a peaceful zone of half-unconsciousness, slouching and hanging her head. The pounding on the door jerked her from the silence. Honey jumped, her fur standing on end. Rue's heart pounded as she stood in stupid confusion; quickly, she got herself together and strode toward the door, dropping her blanket onto the smooth floor. Her heart stopped in her chest.

"What the #$%^..." she huffed, taking a deep breath to steady herself.

She was overcome with guilt upon seeing his face as he waited for her to answer. I can't do this now... She squared her shoulders and rubbed her face. I have to. Honey scurried to the other room when Rue pulled the door open, greeting Ignis with an empty expression.

"I thought you had a meeting."

"She canceled," Ignis replied, trying to read her.

"That's too bad."

"Rue, I wanted to speak with you—"

"I can't do this right now," Rue interrupted, swinging the door shut. It stopped short and she scowled down at his foot. "Ignis, seriously."

"Yes, seriously," he retorted, shooting her a stern look. "I want to understand—"

"I said I can't do this now."

"... Alright."

For a moment, she thought he'd drop it and leave her alone to wallow in her misery. However, Ignis wasn't one to waste his time, and he certainly wasn't about to let her blame herself for another mistake on the part of her momentary panic. Rue was too alarmed to push back when he shoved the door back and stepped inside. She stumbled backward, paralyzed as muscle memory screamed for her to run. Ignis closed the door behind him calmly, though he felt anything but calm. Rue's eyes were wide, watching his every move.

"Rue, listen to me."

"What are you doing?" she demanded when he came closer. He paused, brows creased.

"I need to understand," he repeated. "Why are you running?"

"I'm not," she answered weakly, heart pounding in her chest. Ignis drew nearer and she stumbled away, tripping over her blanket. "Stop!"

"Stop what?" Ignis snapped, beyond frustrated.

"Get out!"


"Go!" She pointed a trembling finger at the door, unable to steady her breathing. She could tell Ignis was wrestling with his thoughts, but she wasn't quite sure which ones. Her legs hardly had the chance to move before he'd lunged and grabbed hold of her arms. He saw her urge to run rise before she did. She thrashed like an animal, feeling hot streaks run cold across her face, dripping onto her chest. Ignis held fast.

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