XIX) Turning Point

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The clicking of her heels echoed through the halls soundly, bounding off the smooth floors and closed doors. Rue shifted the stack of papers in her arms, reaching out toward the doorknob to Ignis's office. She'd come in an hour late, but to her surprise, he hadn't come in at all—he hadn't even bothered to text her. So, she gathered what she could remember that she'd done before and made copies of the employment forms he usually used. Who knew how many more people would be hired into the guard? Or who Rayne and Gladio will let in.

The filled forms were organized in alphabetical order—at least, they had been before the thick stack of papers tumbled out of her arms. Rue groaned, clenching her fists at her sides before she could scream. What, am I a cliché now?

"Whoa, there!"

Rue jumped, looking up to see Prompto grinning at her from the doorway of his office. She frowned, entirely confused.

"Why are you...?"

"Oh, right." Prompto fell to his knees all too easily, starting to gather the pages. Awkwardly, Rue crouched in her tight skirt and tall heels, helping him. "We were running super late just because of packing reasons and a little because of Iggy. Just as we were heading out, close to when we were supposed to meet these people, we get a call saying that it's called off, their bad." He laughed, shaking his head as Rue eyed him curiously. "Rayne thinks they just wanted to get us out and call it off when they thought we were close just to be pains."

"Sounds like it," Rue murmured. "What people were you meeting?" Prompto looked up at her quickly, realization dawning over his face.

"#$%^, you weren't supposed to know." He handed her papers over, speaking earnestly in a low voice. "Just pretend you didn't hear that, yeah?"


"Please," he hissed, looking around nervously. "Maybe I'll tell you someday." Someday.

"Fine," she muttered, unsteadily standing and accepting the papers. "Someday."

"Thanks," he nodded, breathing a sigh of relief and smiling. "See you around?"

"Sure." Rue turned back to Ignis's door and turned the knob successfully this time, watching her step carefully in order to keep the forms in her grasp this time.

"I'm assuming those are no longer in order."

"#$%^." She nearly jumped out her skin upon hearing her boss's voice, clutching the papers to her chest and crinkling quite a few. Ignis sighed, raising an eyebrow.

"Are you here to take my temperature?" he asked dryly. Rue scoffed, fighting a smile as she brought the pages to his desk.

"Fortunately for you, Mr. Scientia, I forgot my thermometer at home. Looks like you're off the hook this time." She had to admit, he looked much better. The day of rest did him good. "You look like you're feeling better."

"I am," he nodded, hesitating to speak as he reached for the stack. "Thank you for your assistance yesterday."

"Hey, that's what assistants do; we assist." She scoffed at her own words, crossing her arms. "Like I've done this my whole adult life. Yeah, right."

"The work suits you."

"What the #$%^'s that mean?" she demanded, irritated by the smile that Ignis wrestled to hide.

"Think nothing of it. Sort these, please."

"Of course, Mr. Scientia."

"And no more of that," he countered, pushing his glasses up.

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