XIV) Discomfort

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Rue set a file of papers on Ignis's desk, which he was mysteriously absent from, likely attending some unnecessary meeting, and took the opportunity to head to the kitchen and brew a pot of coffee. As the steam puffed into the air and the small, silver appliance began to gurgle as it heated water. Rue leaned back against the counter, crossing her arms and studying the scuffed tips of the black heels she'd worn every single day for a week. There were no weekends with this job, and she knew that when she took it. It wasn't like she did anything but sat around alone on the weekends anyway.

"What's this? Nap time?"

Rue jerked her head up to see Eren heading into the kitchen with a mug in hand, a smile crossing his lips at startled her reaction. He leaned against the counter on the other side of the coffee machine, his eyes bright behind the thick frames of his glasses. Rue sighed, shaking her head.

"Nah, I am falling asleep though." She motioned toward the coffee pot that was slowly falling to her left. "Hence, this."

"Yeah, I was coming to make some. Guess you beat me to it."

"Too bad. I'm taking the whole pot," she replied in a deadpan voice. Eren's smile faltered.

"Wait, really?"

"No, #$%^&*^," she snorted, grinning. He rolled his eyes and she laughed. "You actually believed me?"

"Well, yeah. Friends generally trust each other," he huffed. Rue rolled her eyes.

"Okay. Friends also mess with each other."


"Don't make that face, weirdo. It wasn't supposed to be weird."

"You're the one with poor wording."

Rue shook her head, willing the pot to fill faster. Not that she didn't want to spend more time Eren, but Ignis was really piling on the work and she had an itching feeling that it was because Prompto told him she was coming to dinner and the guy suddenly realized he needed to put her in her place. Or that it was simply a busy day, but she preferred an exciting conspiracy to a logical conclusion.

"Hey, so," Eren started. Rue felt her stomach grow heavy. She knew what he was going to ask, and she hated saying no. It made her feel as though she was pushing this already fairly exclusive group of friends away and letting them get close enough to forget about her completely. "Dex and Relir want to see you again, and I want to go to that new noodle shop, so..." He let his words trail off, point, rather, offer, made. Rue heaved a sigh.

"You know, you have a way of asking me to join you guys that makes it sound like you don't care if I'm there or not."

"No, no," Eren rushed, startled. "That's not what I mean at all. Of course I want you there! I just figured it'd be less weird if I—"

"I'm kidding," Rue interrupted, earning a huff. "And I'm sorry, but I can't make it. I already have dinner plans."

"So... you have a date?"

"What? No, not at all." Rue hurried to explain. "Prompto invited me to some weekly Crownsguard dinner and I couldn't exactly say no to spending time with the higher-ups, y'know?"

"Higher-ups? Prompto's practically a joke," Eren blurted. Rue frowned and his composure visibly crumbled. "#$%^, I mean, it's really cool that you got invited and all, and I'm really happy for you, but I wouldn't exactly call him a, um, 'higher-up,' right?"

"Prompto's not a joke," Rue grumbled, grabbing the coffee pot and filling her mug. There was just enough for a full cup.

"That's not what I meant," Eren rushed. Rue scowled at him, picking up her cup and hurrying toward the door. "Rue, c'mon. I'm sorry."

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