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so i asked and most of u guys said jo & lena - so i provided

fb > about a year back from current chapters


"I hate that your brother couldn't make it, it would've been surreal to have both of you in the same room with your father."

I just chuckled and shook Eric Newman's hand.

"I really do apologize on Fred's behalf," Dad said, holding his hand out, "it was a pleasure meeting with you."

He nodded. "I look forward to seeing you again, hopefully with him present."

I nodded towards the doors and Dad walked out first, making me follow.

"Your brother could've costed us a shit ton, I want you to know that," he said, straightening out his tie as we walked towards the elevator.

I didn't respond. Considering the state Fred was in, it was better for him to stay back.

"Why didn't he come?" He asked, looking over at me.

I just shook my head, pressing the elevator button.

"That's not an actual answer."

"He's just in a bad place," I said, looking over at him.

"What the hell does that mean?" He deadpanned, his eyebrows in a furrow. We stepped inside the large elevator and I pressed the lobby button.

"He's just not doing well. Even if he was here, he wouldn't have been present. I promise."

"If this is about Alexis, they broke up three years ago."

"Yeah, on this weekend," I said, nodding over at him, "you've just got to let him have this time to himself."

He just shook his head.

"You've been to Sacramento more than I have," I said, stepping out of the elevator, "give me food suggestions."

"I've been here for three hours tops, Jo," he said, "I come for meetings and I fly home same day."

I just nodded. Honestly, even though I was older now, I enjoyed spending time with Dad more these days since we didn't live together.

"When are you coming to Seattle?" He asked.

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Whenever I get a free weekend, I guess."

He nodded, patting my shoulder. "Take care, and tell your brother to fucking call me."

I nodded and he walked off. I flagged down a cab, getting inside when one stopped.

"Where can I take you?" She asked.

"The best bar around here," I said, smiling.

She just nodded. "Got it."

The ride was silent until Fred called me.

"Hey," I greeted, "Dad's pissed."

"Yeah, I know that," he said, "I-I was j-just calling to see how it went."

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