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"You stressing the fuck out isn't going to make the place cleaner."

I looked over at Jed.

He shrugged, holding his hands up. "I said it."

"And you getting high isn't going to make the place cleaner," I deadpanned.

He chuckled. "You got me there."

I just looked over at him, a grin tugging at my lips. Jed was the one in the fraternity house that kept things along one line, chill.

He was your typical, white frat boy with rich parents.

"So, how old's this chick?" He asked, leaning back on the arm of the couch.

"She's twenty," I said.

"Oh, damn, you don't have a high schooler on the hook?"

"Not at all," I said, shaking my head, "yeah, I wouldn't fucking survive."

He chuckled, taking another hit of his cigarette. "Eh."

I raked my hand through my hair. "It looks good, right?"

"Good enough for me."

"Then it doesn't look good enough," I muttered, making him scoff and look up at me.

I shrugged and rubbed my chin, panicking when the door flew open.

"You're out of time," Fred said, shrugging.

I just looked towards the door, smiling when Lena walked in. "My baby."

I suddenly didn't care about the cleanliness of the place.

She smiled and looked around, her eyes wide. "Wow."

"That's what happens when multiple guys live together," Fred said, smiling.

I wrapped my arms around Lena's neck, my face against her collarbone. "Hi."

She rubbed my back, and I could feel a smile. "Hi, love."

I pulled away and pressed a kiss to her lips, pulling away with a smile. "How was your flight?"

"Tiring," she said. I grabbed her bag and threw it on the stairs.

"I had one guy next to me offering me candy every five minutes, and one guy snoring his and everyone else's head off," she said.

I just chuckled. "Inviting. I hope you didn't take any of the candy."

She just looked up at me.

I smiled. "I know you're smart. Let's meet the guys."

She looked nervous. I grabbed her hand and led her into the living area first. "This is Jed."

"Pleasure to meet you, I've heard wonderful things about you," he said, standing up. He stuck out his hand and she gently grabbed it.

She smiled and we walked into the kitchen, where the rest of the guys were gathering.

"Yo, beer pong," Jeff said, pointing to the table, "hey, who's the pretty thing?"

"This is Lena, my girl," I said, smiling down at her.

"Hi," she meekly admitted. Her shyness was still hands-down the cutest thing about her.

"I'm Jeff," Jeff greeted.

She nodded.

"I'm Tony," Tony said, looking up from his book. Tony pretty much lived on the counter, reading books, and Jeff pretty much lived at the ping-pong table.

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