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"Hey, Fred!"

"Hey," I said, shooting the girl I'd never seen before a smile.

I ran through the hallway, pushing past everyone blocking my way. I had to get to the lunchroom to claim mine and Jo's seats.

"Sorry, man," I said, patting Brett Johnson's shoulder.

"No problem, man," he yelled over the crowd of people.

"Freddy, I've told you about running through the hallways," Mrs. Jones warned.

"Alright, Mrs. Jones!" I yelled, continuing to run.

I eventually made it to the lunchroom and let out a sigh of relief. I slowed my pace down to walking, confident in the fact I'd definitely gotten Jo and I the best seats.

"Hey, Fred," a group of girls greeted, all smiling and twirling their hair as if they were programmed to do that.

"Hey," I smiled, walking over to the table I wanted.

Yes. The best view in the lunchroom, the most central loc-

My thoughts were cut short when I saw someone already occupying the best seat. My eyebrows went into a deep furrow at the blonde.

I walked over to her and tapped her shoulder.

She looked up at me, an eyebrow lifted. "Can I help you?"

I gave her a one-take, a grin tugging at my lips. "Maybe."

"No, I'm not going out with you." She spun around in her chair.

"Don't flatter yourself," I said, "this is my seat."

She slowly turned around again, her eyes in thin slits. "I'm sorry, is your name written on this specific chair?"

"Might as well be," I deadpanned.

"Well that sucks."

"Uh, I sat here last year."

She giggled. "No you didn't."

"Why would you say that?"

"Because you were an underclassman last year."

"Maybe I was a cool one," I said, smoothly sliding in the seat next to her.

She looked over at me, giving me the one-take I'd given her. "Doubtful."

I thought back on our conversation and furrowed my brows. "How do you know I was an underclassman?"

I grinned a small grin.

She looked over at me. "Everyone knows you, whether they want to or not."

"So you don't want to know me," I said, jutting my bottom lip out.

"Boys do have a brain cell. Comes as a surprise to me, I'm being honest."

I smiled and held out my hand. "Well I'll give you a formal introduction. I'm Fred King."

She looked down at my hand. "And I'm not interested."

I chuckled, shaking my head. "Maybe I just want another friend."

She narrowed her eyes, a smile tugging at her lips.

"I can see a smile."

"I'm Alexis," she said, nodding, "Alexis Parker."

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