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"I'm going to kill him."

"You're not going to do shit," I said, looking over at Jo.

He looked over at me, his jaw set in frustration.

"I've got this under control," I reassured, "I know it's hard to trust that right now, but I've got it."

Not that this was anything at all to be excited about, but I knew I had this in the bag. I'd been building a case against Jackson for months now, nearing a year.

And maybe, just maybe, this could push me up to detective.

Lena looked absolutely terrified- which was understandable. I couldn't question that at all.

"You stay back, Jo," I warned, "I'm going in."

I reached for the door handle of Santiago's building, seeing his receptionist standing at the desk chewing on her thumbnail.

"Sorry, we're-"

I held my badge up, nodding towards the elevator. "Tell me what happened."

She bit down on her bottom lip. "Well, when the alarm goes off, it notifies-"

"Logan Anderson."

I closed my eyes when I heard the voice that had made my sister's life a living hell.

"Jackson Jones," I said, turning around to face him, "could've gone the rest of my days without seeing you again."

He smiled. "You can at least try to hide your excitement to see me."

"I'll try," I deadpanned.

"Fancy seeing you here, anyways," he said, strolling around the lobby of Santiago's building.

"And why is that?" I asked, keeping my hand close to the pistol in my holster.

"Well, this is Lena's... what is he, now? Ex-boyfriend-slash-current boyfriend's father's business. That was a mouthful."

"Yeah, and why you're here is beyond me, Jackson," I said, "mind telling me?"

He shot me a frown. "It hurts me, to know that you're more partial to Jo than you were to me."

I took a few steps towards him, our faces only inches apart.

Breathe in, breathe out, Logan.

"Jo's never laid a single goddamn hand on her," I sneered, "he doesn't go to random cities and fuck random women while she's at home crying herself to sleep."

He cracked a small smile.

"Hits a little too close to home, doesn't it?" I asked, chuckling.

The doors flew open and Santiago walked in, keeping his distance but staying close enough.

"So Jackson," I said, my hands in my pockets, "tell me why you're here."

He leaned closer. "You really wanna know?"

"I really wanna know," I whispered, nodding.

"I'm just finishing what my accomplice and I started a few weeks ago," he said, smiling a broad smile, "bringing his name to the ground, burying it."

I nodded slowly. "So that was you. Behind those leaks?"

He held his arms out. "Is there anyone else with the wit to do such a thing?"

I cleared my throat and nodded towards Jo and Fred. They walked inside and Jackson turned around, grinning.

"No one told me it was a party, I would've brought refreshments if I would've known."

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