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"Am I witnessing you complaining about the heat?" Lena asked, smiling over at me.

"Yes," I groaned out, looking over at her.

Why exactly I was complaining was beyond me, though- the view I had wasn't anything that I could complain about. Lena in a string bikini that she never would've worn as a teenager, and the Atlantic Ocean.

She smiled and sipped on her mimosa, looking back down at her book. Only Lena Anderson could make reading a book in a string bikini, sipping on a mimosa look so damn good.

"I think I'm getting burnt."

She looked back over at me, closing her book. She stood up and I just smiled, looking up at her.

She sat down on the edge of my beach chair, gently pulling the waistband of my shorts down. "Oh, you're like, five shades darker."

I looked down and my head fell back against my chair. For obvious reasons I tanned fast, and the Miami sun was a bit more intense, anyways.

"But it's a tan," she said, "you're not burnt."

She stood up and I looked, smiling as I pulled my sunglasses down to rest on the bridge of my nose. She giggled and I pulled her back into my lap, pulling her lips to mine.

She rested her hands on my shoulders and bit down on my lip, pulling away from me with a smile. "I booked those reservations you asked me about."

"Yeah?" I asked, gently stroking her hip.

She nodded and wrapped her arms around my neck, making me close my eyes against her. She wasn't even mine, and we were in the honeymoon phase that she was about to be in with her actual fiancé.

"Has he asked?"

She pulled away and shook her head. "He only cares about my whereabouts-"

"All the fucking time, because he's afraid you're doing him like he's doing you."

She looked away from me, squinting. "Well, I am."

"Because he deserves it."

"I don't think anybody deserves to be cheated on," she said. She had a habit of coming to his defense, and that scared me.

"No, he does," I said, nodding, "he deserves a lot of shit."

She just leaned back on her palms, shaking her head. "I don't want to talk about him."

I didn't either, truthfully. But I was curious as to why she couldn't leave him. It had been a year and she still couldn't tell me why.

I shook my head and looked to the side, seeing a girl smiling at me. She bit down on her bottom lip and pulled a typical girl move, twirling the hair around the finger.

I decided to ignore it.

"She's cute," Lena said, catching me off guard.

"What?" I asked.

"She's cute," she said, nodding.

I just narrowed my eyes a bit behind my sunglasses.

"And obviously into you," Lena said, "I have to pee, anyways-"

I grabbed her wrist and she looked down at me. "What?"

"You're kidding."

"You're not mine, I can't technically hold you back."

I smiled, looking up at her. "You want a threesome, that's what it is-"

"Oh, shut up," she muttered, giggling as I stood up.

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