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I straightened my tie in the mirrored elevator, making sure I looked more put together than I was feeling.

The doors opened and I was greeted by Amanda's backside.

"Hello," I said, smiling as I stepped out of the elevator.

She looked over her shoulder at me. "H-hi, Mr. King, sorry, I'm looking for something."

I just smiled and raised my eyebrows, walking past her. I was stopped by a large hand wrapping around my shoulder.

This is what I was anticipating.

"Give me a break," I immediately said.

"Give you a break?" Fred asked, making me turn around to face him, "sure, here's your free fucking ticket to Cali for the weekend again. On the house."

"How'd you know I was in California?" I nonchalantly asked, looking down at my tie.

"The jet has a GPS, dumbass," he spat.

I just sighed, looking him in the eyes. "I am aware. It's not that I wanted it to be a huge secret, or anything."

"Why the hell were in you in California?" He deadpanned, his eyebrows in a deep and angry furrow.

"Fred, does it fucking matter?" I asked, opening my office doors. I turned on my lights and he followed me inside.


He closed the door behind him, nodding. "It does matter. Going off to LA to party with some Instagram model sounds intriguing, sure, but not when we have meetings backed up for the week after."

"I wasn't in LA," I said, falling back in my chair.

"I didn't expect to have to fucking father you, Jo," he said, "what did you go to California for?"

"Pussy," I adamantly stated, my eyes fixated on him.

His features morphed into anger. "Pussy? You're kidding."

I just looked up at him, shaking my head. My brows settled into a confused furrow.

"You couldn't get that in Chicago?" He yelled, "Jo, how many millions of women reside in fucking Chicago?"

I rubbed my temples.

"Next time there's an argument about who's the responsible twin, I'm stepping in."

"There are millions of women in Chicago, yes," I answered, "but none of those millions of women are the one woman I'll fly out to California for."

"Who the hell's in California that you can't live without?" He asked, he was adamant and getting an answer either way. I could go ahead and give it to him, or get under his skin some more.

I decided to give it to him solely because I didn't have the willpower to argue with him any longer.

I shrugged. "You put two and two together and see what you get."

He just looked down at me, his arms folded over his chest. He looked way too much like Dad right now.

I tapped my desk, my head in my hand. "I'm waiting."

His eyebrows went into a furrow, proceeding to go round after that. "No."

I just nodded. "Yeah."

"You're flying out to California to fuck your goddamn college girlfriend?" He deadpanned.

"You'd do the same if yours acknowledged your existence."

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