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My eyes fluttered open and I immediately covered them with my forearm. The light was pouring in the French doors, and frankly, it was too bright for my liking.

I propped myself up on my elbow and rubbed my eyes. I immediately felt around in the bed for Jo as I fell on my back again, looking over at him when I felt his rock-hard shoulder.

He looked peaceful.

His arms folded under his face, his lips slightly parted. His hair was a mess, but still cute.

I smiled and trailed my fingertips down his bicep, stopping when I got to his elbow. I pressed a kiss to his shoulder before rolling out of bed.

I'd fallen asleep in Jo's arms, which meant I'd definitely left clothes out of the equation. I walked into the closet and grabbed a tank and shorts out of my suitcase, slipping into them quickly. I didn't want to disturb Jo's sleep.

I tip-toed out of the bedroom and downstairs. My first stop was the fridge for my daily glass of cold water right after waking up.

Once I finished my water, I opened the fridge. There weren't many options for breakfast, but Jo wasn't very hard to please when it came to food.

I pulled out the carton of eggs and placed them on the counter, kneeling down to find a frying pan in the cabinet beneath the stove.

I stood up with a sigh, blowing my hair out of my face. I hadn't noticed Jo leaning against the staircase.

I jumped with a gasp when I saw him, placing my hand over my chest. "My God, Jo, you almost got this thrown at you."

He chuckled and pushed himself off of the rail. "You're my guest, I'm supposed to be cooking for you."

"Consider this me repaying you," I said, smiling as he neared me.

He stood behind me, wrapping his strong arms around my waist. He lifted me up enough for me to be on my tip-toes, my eyes closing as I smiled.

"I think last night could've been considered that," he whispered, his breath against my neck giving me chills.

I bit down on my lip and he pressed a kiss to my ear, pulling away from me. I frowned, the feeling of emptiness not welcomed.

"Hi," he greeted, "by the way."

He stood against the counter and I smiled up at him. "Hi."

Our eyes met and I felt my stomach do two somersaults. Jo had the most beautiful eyes, and they were mighty easy to get lost in.

"The sun," he said, gently grabbing my face with both of his hands, "it's hitting your eyes perfectly."

"They're boring, Jo," I said, my tone reflecting just how much I disliked my eyes.

"I don't think so," he whispered, stroking my cheek gently.

I pulled away from him before I could melt into a puddle. "H-how do you like your eggs?"

I looked down at the cooktop. I'd never really worked with a stove of the such before, so this would be interesting.

"How about I cook?" He asked.

I studied the knobs deeply. "This is confusing."

"I know how to w-"

My hand slipped and my eyes went round. "Jo!"

"Babe," he chuckled out, turning the knob, "how about I cook?"

I just looked up at him, biting down on my bottom lip. "That's probably the wiser option."

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