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I woke up and felt an unusual weight on top of me.

I looked down and saw Alexis's arm thrown across my abdomen, her body in between my legs. We'd fallen asleep on the couch watching movies, I guess.

I gently rubbed her shoulder, leaning back against the arm of the couch. I rubbed my eyes and looked back down at her, ruffling my fingers through her hair.

She'd changed out of her matching set and into a shirt of mine. She'd also stolen a pair of my underwear that barely covered her long, tan legs. One of those legs was thrown over my leg, she'd made sure to get herself comfortable.

I didn't rock the boat, or disturb her from sleeping. She looked so peaceful.

I pulled out my phone, scrolling through the emails I'd received last night. I hadn't even picked up my phone while Alexis and I were together.

She let out a sigh and rolled over, rubbing her eyes. I kept my eyes glued to her as she gently sat up.

"Hey," she greeted, raking her fingers through her hair.

"H-hi," I said. I'd always be taken aback by Alexis's beauty.

"Wow, you're not a good pillow," she said, her hand wrapped around the back of her neck, "remind me to never do that again."

I chuckled and she just smiled, rubbing her eyes. "I slept really good though."

"We used to sleep like that when you'd visit," I said, "remember?"

She looked over at me and nodded, chewing on her bottom lip. "I do."

I just smiled a soft smile. "I don't really have anything for breakfast. What do you like?"

"Surprise me," she said, her eyes glued to me as I stood up.

I stretched and walked into the kitchen, opening the fridge. I usually skipped out on breakfast and went for some kind of shake, or something.

"I have protein powder," I deadpanned, looking over my shoulder at her.

She stood up and I trailed my eyes down her legs, back up to her face.

She smiled and looked in the fridge, sighing. "Wow, you loser."

I chuckled and she closed it. "No, I really should probably get going, anyways. My flight leaves at four."

I just nodded, looking down at my phone. It was only eight A.M., and she was eager to leave for her flight at four?

She chewed on her bottom lip and rubbed the back of her neck. "I-it's nothing to do with you."

I nodded, smiling. "I wasn't really w-"

"Yeah, I-I was just making sure you didn't th-"

"You thought I thought-"


Her phone cut us off, thankfully. She bit down on her bottom lip and pulled it out of her pocket, and I saw it in her face that she'd just seen news she didn't want to see.

"Oh, my God, you're absolutely kidding," she muttered, brushing past me.

I followed her into my bedroom, an eyebrow cocked up at her.

"Sorry, I'll get out," she said.

I grabbed her wrist. "What is it?"

She just looked up at me, cocking her head over. "My flight got delayed. Until fucking tomorrow. And my hotel was only booked through t-"

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