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I let the shower water beat down on me vigorously. The shower was so beautiful and pretty much large enough to fit an entire baseball team in here.

Marble tile, glass doors. It was absolutely stunning.

I raked my fingers through my wet hair, closing my eyes as the water soaked my face. I sighed, realizing I had to get out at some point.

I went ahead and turned off the shower water, opening the sliding door. I grabbed my towel off of the hook and wrapped it tightly around my body.

I stepped out of the shower and stood in front of the mirror, wiping the steam off. I braced my palms on the marble as I examined the organization process across the counter. I was absolutely sure Fred hadn't done this.

I reached forward and grabbed a cotton ball out of the glass container. I applied my toner and my eyes lit up when I realized I had a face mask waiting on me.

I jogged over to my skincare bag and pulled out the face mask, applying it to my face. It was hot pink, and I looked ridiculous, but I couldn't have cared less. I was here alone.

I threw my hair up into a towel and walked out of the bathroom, into the bedroom and over to my bag. I knelt down to grab out a pair of underwear, and went to Fred's bag for a shirt.

He wouldn't mind.

I dropped my towel and stepped into my underwear before slipping on my shirt.

I walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, opening the fridge. I turned on the light and heard a squeal.

I jumped, turning around to face the noise. My eyes went wide at the sight of Fred on the couch, a girl on top of him.

I fell against the counter with round eyes.

"You said you were alone!" The girl scolded, covering her bare chest.

"I-I'm just g-getting a dri-"

I heard her hand connect with Fred's cheek before she stood up, gathering her clothes. "You dick."

Fred pulled his shorts up and the girl had already ran out of the door by the time he could get to her.

He dropped his head, letting out an angry sigh. "Really, Alexis?"

"How was I supposed to know you were fucking some bitch?" I deadpanned.

He turned around to face me, his hands on his hips. His features were etched into a more than angry glare.

He resembled his father way too much in this moment.

"You can fuck some guy in my villa with no distractions but I can't even get a goddamn lap dance?"

"I think you were getting more than that, by the looks of things."

"No, Alexis, I really wasn't, because you decided to take a stroll through the fucking kitchen."

I placed my hands on my hips. "You couldn't have taken her to her room?"

"No, most guys offer to bring the girl back to his place," he deadpanned.

I rolled my eyes. "Well, you knew I was here. You knew I was here, you kn-"

"I'm sorry, I really can't take you seriously right now."

I looked down at my outfit.

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