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I walked in my office and saw Amanda shuffling through the filing cabinet.

I just cocked my head over and she stood up, brushing her hair away from her face. She brushed her hands off on her hips.

"How did you get here?" I deadpanned, my hands on my hips.

"I called a cab," she said, brushing past me.

I furrowed my brows together, following her out of my office. "What?"

"I called a cab," she said, looking up at me as she sat down in her chair.

I just looked down at her. "I told you I'd come pick you up."

"Well, I didn't remember that," she said, "I was shitfaced."

I flexed my jaw, reaching for my wallet. "How much was the cab?"


"How much was the cab?" I asked, my tone clipped.

"It's not your responsibility to take care of me," she said, "I can pay my own cab fare."

I closed my wallet. "Fine."

"Thank you," she said, her eyes wide.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" I asked.

"Not really, Mr. King, no," she said, and I could tell she was annoyed with me.

"You informed me that your husband was cheating on you with a skinny blonde."

She froze and looked up at me, her chest rising. "Oh."

I just nodded, my arms folded over my chest. "And you raided my alcohol cabinet."

She bit down on her bottom lip. "Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I mean that."

I nodded subtly. "Just at least try and be on your A game today."

"Actually," she said, standing up to follow me into my office, "I need an hour today."

I looked back at her. "You're insane."


"We have one of the biggest meetings of the year today," I said, nodding, "I need you."

"And I need my divorce papers," she firmly stated.

My jaw set, I finally turned to face her. "Amanda."

She folded her arms over her chest.

"You can get those tomorrow," I said, "any day other than today. I need you on deck today. All day."

She chewed on her bottom lip. "I don't think you get it."

"I don't get it," I said, "I don't get why you can't wait until to-"

"Because I don't want him anymore," she said, "I-I-he haunts me. I can't have him in my life anymore, I can't do it."

She shook her head and sniffled, looking down.

"Amanda," I quietly said, my current hardness and anger turning around completely.

I reached for her and she backed away, looking down. "I'll be gone for an hour max. I just need to do this, and I'll be back and ready to go."

I flexed my jaw and watched as she turned around, walking out of my office.


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