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I jogged upstairs rather than taking the elevator. My mind was full.

I was thinking about so many things, my mind was on so many things. I'd woken up late so I didn't have time to go for my usual mind-clearing run, I barely even had time to shower.

I made it to the top floor, my jaw set in frustration. I frankly wasn't ready to see anyone, the weekend truly had been too short.

I pushed my way through the door, hopefully conveying the message that I was pissed and that no one needed to speak to me.

Eyes were glued to me as I stormed through the hallway, and Meredith looked up at me.

"Good morning," she greeted.

I opened my door without a word and let it shut behind me, shrugging out of my jacket.

My mind was away from work. It was away from what it needed to be on most, and on what it needed to be on the least.

I closed my eyes, inhaling deeply before letting it out as I slowly counted to ten.

"Are you okay?" Meredith cautiously asked, her heels slowly tapping against my floor.

I rubbed my forehead, nodding. "I'm fine."

She gently sat on the edge of my desk. "I don't think you're fine."

I just looked up at her, leaning back in my chair. "I have a lot going on currently," I slowly dragged out, "so if you could give me my space today..."

She just looked down at me, her perfectly drawn-on eyebrows in a furrow.

"Please," I added on.

She just nodded. "Okay."

I couldn't even look at her, so I had to look back down at my laptop.

Alexis had been weighing so heavily on my mind. It was exhausting.

She walked out of my desk after gently rubbing my shoulder, making me close my eyes. I rubbed my temples and cleared my throat, deciding to do something productive and at least try to focus on work.

About thirty minutes in, Meredith delicately knocked on my door.

I looked over my shoulder and nodded subtly, looking back down at the papers in front of me. She opened the door, not coming inside.

"Hey, you've got someone outside," she said, "she won't leave until she sees you."

I squeezed my eyes shut. If it was Cindy, I'd made it absolutely clear that we were no longer.

I stood up and adjusted my shirt, brushing past Mere. She just bit down on her lip and I pressed the button beside the elevator.

I got in the elevator and rode down, not even caring what I looked like, or how put-together or not put-together I looked.

I walked through the lobby and pushed the door open, seeing Cindy standing there.

"Hey," she greeted.

"What the hell are you doing here, Cindy," I whisper-yelled, pulling her to the side.

"Listen, I get it," she said, looking up at me, "we're over, or whatever."

"It's not or whatever, we're over," I snapped.

She looked down, shifting from foot to foot. "I just wanted to tell you something before we never spoke again."

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