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"This shouldn't even be attainable," Alexis said, gawking at the interior of my villa.

I smiled and dropped my bag, grabbing hers. "Cool, huh?"

She turned around to face me. "Yeah, that's a word."

I chuckled and she smiled, her hands on her hips. "Wow. Just wow."

"You know you're welcome here anytime," I said, walking into the master suite.

She followed, a curious look on her face when I turned around to face her. "How much is this thing?"

"Next question," I muttered.

She smiled and sat down on the bed before looking up at me. "A-am I allowed to sit on the bed?"

I chuckled and sat down next to her. "Yes. This is your bed for the week, anyways. Get used to it."

I pulled her into my lap and she smiled, raking her fingers through my hair.

"When you said I deserved some dick," she began, and I immediately had to remind myself to not roll my eyes.

I looked up at her and smiled a small smile. "What about it?"

"Did you mean..."

"I meant from wherever you can get it," I said, nodding up at her, "which is everywhere. You're a catch."

I patted her hip and she stood up, making me do the same. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, smiling when I saw beer.

"And you're perfectly fine with me just hooking up with whoever while we're here?" She asked.


"Alexis," I chuckled out, popping open my beer, "you're not mine."

I took a sip and turned around to face her, shrugging. "I can't tell you who and who not to fuck."

She nodded slowly, which soon after turned into a quicker nod. "I-I was just making sure."

I nodded with a smile, leaning against the counter.

She smiled and turned away from me to walk away, but I stopped her. "I only ask one thing of you."

She turned around to face me again, twiddling her thumbs in front of her stomach. "What's that?"

"Don't..." I trailed off, shaking my head, "don't come back and tell me about it."

She looked taken aback but also as if she was expecting it at the same time, and I wasn't sure which one it was.

She nodded, her jaw clenching. "Same to you."

She walked into the bedroom and I watched, pulling my beer up to my lips. Technically, I was correct. She wasn't mine, and it wasn't my place to tell her what, or, in better terms, who she could and couldn't do.

But I knew she was going to take what I said and run with it.

I finished off my beer and placed the bottle on the counter, pulling out my phone.

[From: Meredith]
Enjoy your trip. I'll have everything ready/sorted out for you for when you get back.

I ignored her message, and went straight to Jo's.

[From: Jo]
I'm chasing this woman all over the goddamn country. Ended up in Seattle again

I chuckled.

[To: Jo]
Made it to the villa not too long ago

I could see Alexis's slim, tanned figure walking towards me. I looked up from my phone and my jaw unintentionally dropped.

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