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thank you guys for yet another successful ride, i love you all dearly.


"Mi, you're better than that."

"I know, I know," he said, shaking his head, "I'm just distracted."

I gripped my hips, the beating sun making me squint. "Well, focus."

He nodded, bracing his palms on his knees. "Just give me a second."

He hunched over, taking a few deep breaths. "Damn."

"Alright, come on," I said, clapping my hands, "we're wasting precious time."

He stood upright, a grin on his face. "I only get this superior one-on-one coaching once in a blue moon."

I smiled and folded my arms over my chest. "You gonna keep bumping your gums?"

"How old are you?" He teased, throwing the ball back to me.

I caught it with one hand, lifting an eyebrow. "Older and better than you."

He rolled his eyes and began running away. I waited until he was about fifty yards away from me to throw the ball.

"You got it," I yelled, but let out a sigh when he dropped it, "you don't got it."

He shook his head. "I don't know what's up."

He ran back to me, grabbing his water from the ground. He fell down and pulled his knees up to his chest, taking a long sip of his water.

I sat down next to him. "I have a hunch."

"Just that I suck ass?" He deadpanned, "there's no way I'm getting a scholarship on that shit."

"Well, that is a good observation," I joked, looking over at him.

He rolled his eyes.

I chuckled, resting my arms on my knees. "I know there's only one thing that can throw someone off their game that bad."

"Yeah, and what's that?"

"A girl," I blatantly stated, "but not any girl."

I held my pointer finger up, looking over at him. I earned a small grin.

"A girl that makes you wait for sex," I finished off, nodding.

He chuckled, shaking his head as he looked away from me. "I've got no clue what you're talking about."

"Oh, but you do," I said, smiling, "who is she?"

He dropped his head, glancing over at me. "She's different."

"The best ones are," I said, "tell me more."

"I just want to..." he trailed off, shaking his head, "it sounds stupid."

"Do you know much stupid shit I've said when it's pertained to your sister?" I deadpanned.

He bit down on his lip. "I want to hold her. Nothing more."

I nodded, patting his shoulder. "You're growing up, Mi."

He smiled over at me. "Bitch, I'm grown."

"Ha," I said, standing up, "you think?"

He chuckled. "Trust me, I know."

"Hm, we'll test that. Let's see if you can actually catch the ball first."



"Shut it up," Jo groaned, his forearm resting on his forehead.

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