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"I've been engaged twice in a year," I blurted, looking back at Jo.

His eyebrows shot up. "Don't sound so excited."

I folded my arms over my chest and walked into the kitchen. "I think you visit your father just to raid his entire kitchen."

"A good use of jet fuel."

I giggled and stood next to him, bracing my palms on the counter.

Just ask him.

"So," I began, watching as he bit into his peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

He looked down at me.

"Are we telling anyone?" I quietly asked, tracing circles on the countertop.

"Telling anyone what?"

I jumped at the sound of Santiago's booming voice. I placed a hand over my chest and steadied out my breathing, looking up at him with frightened eyes.

"Sorry," he chuckled, "didn't know you were so jumpy."

I cracked a smile and he walked into the kitchen. "Do you not own any food of your own?"

He grabbed the peanut butter and Jo chuckled, leaning forward on the counter. "Tastes better when it's Dad's money."

Santiago rolled his eyes, placing it in the pantry. "Ari, come on, let's make lunch."

Arabella ran into the kitchen, making a broad smile appear on my face.

"Hi, Lena," she pleasantly greeted. She was just like Adora.

"Hi, Ari," I greeted, smiling down at her.

"Am I invisible, or?"

Jo scooped her up with ease, throwing her over his shoulder.

She giggled, making me crack a smile. I gently rubbed her back, earning a glance from Santiago.

Jo rested her on his hip. "Let's make you lunch."

Baby fever.

He placed her on the counter and I looked up at him, grinning.

He leaned down, his lips against my ear. "Are you trying to go make one of those?"

I gasped and gave his abdomen a shove, looking up at him. He chuckled and pressed a kiss to my temple.

Santiago's eyes were fixated on us as he prepared Ari's lunch, a smile tugging at his lips.

The door opened and I smiled when I saw Alexis. "Hi!"

"Hi!" She gleefully greeted, holding out her arms, "it feels like it's been forever since I've seen you."

"I know," I said, wrapping my arms around her for a hug, "hi, Fred."

"Hey, L," he said, giving me a small hug. I smiled and watched as he and Jo embraced in a hug.

"All my children in the same vicinity," Santiago said, "a foreign feeling."

Fred wrapped an arm around Santiago's neck and they hugged but only for a split second.

"Oh, are you too cool to hug me in front of your girlfriend?" Santiago teased, taking Arabella's lunch to her.

Fred just looked back at Alexis, a smile on his face. "Something like that."

Alexis walked over to me, blowing a chunk of hair away from her face. "So, what's new on the home Front?"

She smiled and slipped her hands in her back pockets, her eyes toggling between Jo and I.

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