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I trailed my nails down Jo's back, smiling as he peppered kisses to my chest.

He grabbed my thigh, pulling my leg up to rest on his back. "I don't want to go."

I raked my fingers through his hair. "Then don't. Stay in bed with me."

He pulled his lips away from my chest, smiling down at me. "If I never had to leave this bed again, I wouldn't."

I smiled a soft smile. I was still a bit stand-offish because of yesterday.

Nothing lasts forever.

"Something's on your mind," he admitted, sitting upright. I looked up at him, my eyebrows in a furrow.

"No," I said, shaking my head.

He fell back on his pillow. "It's about yesterday."

You're right.

I turned away from him, chewing on my bottom lip.

He wrapped his arms around me, his face against my back. "If you want to do the shoot, we can d-"

"It's not about the shoot, Jo," I whispered, resting my head on my pillow.

He pressed soft kisses to my shoulders. "Then tell me what it is. Tell me what I can do to fix it."

I closed my eyes, basking in the feeling of Jo's lips pressed against me.

I turned to face him, earning the smallest of smiles from him.

I contemplated on being fully transparent with him, or to just sweep it under the rug.

"I-it's not that big of a deal."

"It is," he said, gently rubbing my forearm, "if it's bothering you this much, I want to fix it."

I grabbed his hands, pulling them close to me. I pressed kisses to his fingertips. "Something you said yesterday."

His eyebrows knitted together, he shot me a confused glance.

"Nothing lasts forever," I quietly said, locking eyes with him.

He pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth as he squeezed my hand.

"That's a true statement," he quietly admitted.

My heart broke a little, I didn't want Jo living life feeling that way.

"If you think about it," he said, "forever is the beginning of time until the end of time. Yeah?"

He looked at me, his grey eyes boring into mine. I nodded, pushing him to further explain.

"So technically, yeah. Nothing lasts forever."

"I think you meant it a little differently when you said it yesterday," I said, gently stroking the back of his hand.

He sighed, nodding. "I did."

"I don't think anyone deserves to feel that way," I said, "definitely not you."

He scooted closer to me, the tip of his nose nearly touching my own. "Are you listening?"

I couldn't help but to crack a smile, nodding.

"I might've meant that for everything else in this world," he said, shaking his head as he looked down at our hands. He looked back up at me, his eyes glued to mine. "Not us."

I smiled, nodding.

"I want you to tell me that you're hearing me," he said.

"I hear you," I whispered, nodding.

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