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"I really hope you never sell this place," I said, admiring Lena's Napa mansion.

She smiled. "Good getaway, right?"

"For sure."

I grabbed her bag out of the car, placing it on the ground. I grabbed mine out and slung it over my shoulder, earning a grin from her.

"Shall we?" She asked, holding her hand out to me.

I smiled and took it, letting her lead me to the door of her house. She unlocked it and squealed. "Surprise."

My eyes went round. "O-oh."

She looked so proud. It looked like an entirely new home.

"What do you think?" She asked, looking at me with half-worried, half-excited eyes.

I dropped our bags. "I love it."

She clapped her hands. "I've been working on this for months. Keeping this a secret from you has been one of the hardest things I've ever done."

I walked further into the home, my footsteps echoing. "This is crazy."

"I got rid of everything that reminded me of Jackson."

I nodded, looking back at her. "I was noticing a theme."

She took slow steps towards me. "I want your one-hundred percent honest opinion."

"It just looks a bit empty," I cautiously admitted, "b-but what am I? I mean, you're the designer-"

She giggled, resting her hand on her belly. "I wanted you to say that."

I just nodded slowly, my eyebrows knitting together. "I'm a little lost."

She grabbed my hands, smiling up at me. "I want you to help me."

"Help you what?" I asked, matching the low tone of her soft, calming voice.

She giggled, pulling me into her. "Decorate."

I couldn't help but to chuckle. "You have an unreasonable amount of faith in my interior design skills."

She laughed. "Have you seen your penthouse?"

"I have, and none of that's my work," I said, "that was from a designer."

"But I'm sure you helped," she quietly said, trailing her fingertips down my abdomen.

"I-I mean, I did," I said, my eyes following the trail of her hand.

"Then it's essentially the same thing," she said, her lips against my ear, "you've got a designer right here."

I pushed her against the nearest wall, earning a grin from her. She grabbed my chin and angled my head downwards, making my eyes focus on her fingertips slightly hiking up her dress.

I pulled her closer to me by her hips, pressing my lips against her neck. "What'd you do to the bedroom?"

"I could show you," she suggested, her fingers tugging at my hair.

I boosted her up into my arms, making her lips attach to my neck. I carried her upstairs and pushed the large, white doors open.

"You don't seem too curious," she whispered against my skin, making goosebumps rise.

I dropped her on the bed and hovered above her, my hands above her head. "I'm really not at the moment."

She bit down on her bottom lip, tugging at my belt. "But I worked really hard on it."

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