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a week later


"Why don't we ever invite pornstars on this thing with us?" Alexis asked, her chin in her palm as she casually looked out the window of the jet.

I narrowed my eyes, wondering what her logic behind that question was.

Her eyes eventually met my confused ones. She giggled and sat upright. "You know, people go on trips and invite pornstars with them."

"I don't think that's how that works," I muttered, looking down at my buzzing phone.

"No, it is," she said, angling herself towards me, "one of my friends? She left for her bachelorette trip and invited a pornstar."

"Who's your friend and how did she get these contacts?" Fred asked, walking through the aisle.

Alexis glared up at him.

He chuckled, sitting down. "I'm kidding."

She rolled her eyes.

"I'm kind of curious, too."

"My God, I went to college with her," she said, rolling her eyes, "she ended up being more successful than me."

"Oh, so knowing pornstars makes you successful."

She looked at Fred. "Yep, and you're the most successful person I know."

He smiled and leaned his head back. "One time in LA. I can't believe you're still holding on to that."

My focus left the bickering couple and instead landed on Lena, who had been silent most of the ride. She was curled up by the window, her bottom lip in between her teeth.

I stood up and dropped my book in my seat, walking over to her. I sat across from her and she looked at me, smiling softly.

"Hey," I greeted, my elbows on my thighs.


"You don't want to come and join the pornstar talk?" I asked, smiling.

She giggled. "I'm good, thanks."

I stood up and gently stroked her cheek, looking down at her. "What's up?"

She looked up at me, chewing on her bottom lip. "N-nothing."

I looked back at Alexis and Fred who were still on the topic of him hooking up with a pornstar years ago in LA. I pulled Lena out of her seat and led her into the other cabin.

I leaned against the counter. "Now you have no reason to not tell me."

"This thing isn't soundpr-"

I looked at her, an eyebrow lifted.

She sighed, leaning against the counter across from me. "Seattle's just nervewracking."

"It's never been that before."

She bit down on her lip.

"Tell me-"

"My dad," she said, nodding, "he wants to meet us for dinner."

My eyebrows shot up. That came as a big surprise to me.

"R-really?" I asked, scratching the back of my neck.

She nodded. "Yeah. A-and I can tell him I'm busy, whatever I have to d-"

"No," I said, shaking my head, "no, I want to."

Her eyes went round. "You want to?"

"I mean, yeah," I said, nodding, "I never got the chance to meet him when we were dating before."

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