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"And if anyone asks, I already checked your ID."

Alexis smiled at the bartender, sipping on her drink. "Thank you."

I braced my elbows on the bar and looked around. We were only less than one year away from being able to legally drink and get into clubs without knowing the bouncers.

"How do you even know the bouncers?" Alexis asked, looking over at me.

I looked over at her. "Don't worry about it, baby."

She giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck, hopping off of her stool. She pressed tiny kisses to my temples and cheeks. Alexis got very affectionate, even after one sip of any kind of alcohol.

She gently rubbed my chest, her chin in the crook of my neck. "You wanna dance?"

"I wanna watch you dance," I said, pressing a kiss to her forearm.

She smiled against my cheek. "If that's what you wish."

She let go of me and I looked over my shoulder at her, smiling as she walked away. I spun around in my stool, making sure to keep my beer close.

She caught everyone's attention that was around her- her hands in her hair, her hips moving perfectly with the music. Alexis had an effect that was inexplicable.

I smiled, reminding myself that she was my girl.

Her eyes locked on mine, she flirtatiously bit down on her lip. She smiled her famous, scandalous smile.

I cleared my throat and looked around, making sure no one was paying attention to me. And they weren't, most eyes were on Alexis.

I covered my groin subtly, taking a sip of my beer. My eyes trailed down Alexis's curvaceous frame covered in skin tight jeans and a tank top that hugged her curves perfectly.

I leaned back against the bar, clenching my jaw.

"Your girl, she's something else."

I smiled, not even bothering to look over at the girl. "I know, right?"

I felt a hand gently land on my shoulder. "This is a bit forward, but are you two into threesomes?"

I was taken aback. I hesitantly looked over at the girl, letting out a forced chuckle. "I-I can't speak for h-her."

"But you can speak for yourself," she said, smiling down at me.

I parted my lips to respond to her but I felt Alexis's hand on my leg before I could. "Hey, what'd I miss?"

She smiled and took a sip of her drink, her eyes fixated on the girl standing next to me.

"I was just asking your boyfriend if you're into threesomes."

My eyebrows shot up and I looked up at Alexis.

"And what did my boyfriend say?" Alexis chuckled out, looking down at me as she raked her fingers through my hair.

The girl looked down at me, an eyebrow lifted. "I didn't get his answer yet."

"M-my answer depends on what my girlfriend's answer is," I drawled out, looking up at Alexis cautiously.

Alexis placed her drink down on the bar. I was completely taken aback when she grabbed the girl's chin and pulled her lips to her own.

My jaw dropped without me even realizing.

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