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"H-how much l-longer?" Lena breathlessly asked, running at the same speed I was.

"Are you kidding?" I asked, looking over at her.

"How on earth are you not panting?" She asked, her ponytail swinging viciously.

"I do this everyday," I said, amping up the speed, "come on, push a little harder. You've got this."

"Lex," she said, turning her speed up, "I-I-I think I m-might pass out."

She paused the belt, bracing her hands on the handlebars. "Shit."

I slowed down to a jog. "You said you could handle it."

"I thought I could," she said, doubling over. She rested her palms on her thighs, catching her breath.

I paused my belt and chuckled, wiping the little bit of sweat off of my forehead. "Sprints suck."

"Obviously not for you," she breathed, looking up at me.

I held her water bottle out to her and she stood upright, grabbing it from my hand. "I hate cardio."

"Yeah, it's not my favorite," I muttered, taking a long sip of my iced water.

She looked over at me. "I hate how in-shape you are."

I leaned against my treadmill and earned a grin from a guy walking by, his eyes trailing down me.

I sighed and turned to face Lena, resting my chin on my shoulder. "You ready to go again?"

"Absolutely not," she quickly, and quite adamantly, responded.

I giggled and she rested her hands on her hips, shaking her head. "No, we've been running for an hour."

"Lena, it's been thirty minutes," I said, scrolling through my notifications on my watch.

"Okay, well let's go into the weights section," she said, "I'll honestly do anything to get me away from this damned treadmill."

I giggled and my phone buzzed. I grabbed it from the treadmill and smiled down at it.

[From: Babe]
Being daddy's princess is hard work isn't it

[To: Babe]
of course it is! Ughh I miss you :(

"You're not even focused," Lena said, folding her arms over her chest.

"I'm waiting on you to stop dry heaving," I deadpanned, looking over at her.

She just chewed on her bottom lip. "Yeah, you got me."

I smiled and grabbed my water from the treadmill. "Actually, maybe we should just leave now. Meet the boys for lunch?"

She sighed a sigh of relief. "That sounds amazing. I'm getting fucking pizza."

She wrapped her thin towel around her neck, grabbing her phone and water. She jumped off of her treadmill and we jogged downstairs into the rather chic women's room.

My phone chimed and I smiled.

"Is that your lover?" Lena playfully asked, smiling over at me.

"We've been being so sappy all morning," I said, "he rarely gets in these super sweet moods, so I entertain them."

She smiled. "I haven't heard from Jo much this morning."

"I'm sure he's just busy," I said, making us both collapse on the bench nearby.

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