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I dug around for my key in my purse, letting out an angry sigh as I stopped. I pulled my purse off of my shoulder and dug around until I found it, hidden in a pocket.

I rolled my eyes and continued walking towards the villa. I'd spent my entire day tanning, and all I wanted was a cool shower before dinner.

I lifted an eyebrow when I saw a brunette leave the villa, my eyes following her every move as she walked towards the pool.

I laughed and walked up to the door, looking over my shoulder to see the girl's eyes glued to me.

I smiled and slid my key into the door.

She ran over to me, hugging her dress to her. "Hey."

I just looked over at her. "Hi."

She cocked her head over. Her face was made up, and about two shades darker than the rest of her body.

"A-are you his sister?"

I smiled and placed my hands on my hips. "Do I look like his sister?"

"Not at all," she muttered, dropping her head, "I'm so sorry. He didn't even mention having a girlfriend."

I clicked my tongue and unlocked the door.

My eyes went round when she busted in, spitting off something that sounded beyond aggressive in Spanish.

Fred turned around, a confused look etched onto his features.

"He's a piece of shit, you deserve better," she said, shooting me a warm smile before grabbing her underwear from the ground.

"What were you going to do when she found these?" She asked, "God, you're a loser."

Fred stood there in disbelief.

She stormed out of the villa and I just lifted my brows.

Avoid eye contact.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked, his thick eyebrows in an angry furrow.

"Excuse me?"

"Did you tell her we were together?"


"Why the hell else would she flip her lid?" He asked, "did you do that because you're fucking jealous?"

"No, Fred," I angrily said, "she saw a girl with a key to your villa and she put two and two together."

"You're jealous," he said, folding his arms over his chest.

"I'm jealous?" I yelled, laughing as I dropped my bag, "Fred, you got pissed because I brought a guy to your villa. Not because I brought him to your villa, but because it wasn't you."

There was a silence that neither of us could fill.

"That is bullshit and you know it," he said, chuckling as he turned away from me.

"Look me in the eyes and say that," I said, folding my arms over my chest to match his.

"I don't have shit to prove to you, Alexis," he said, "and if you think I do, you're fucking wrong."

He stormed into the bedroom and I rolled my eyes, walking into the kitchen. I grabbed a beer from the fridge and popped the top, leaning against the counter as I sipped on it.

Shortly after, he walked out of the bedroom. He was dressed in jeans and a black button up buttoned only halfway up.

He looked good, nonetheless.

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