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"Stay still, Mr. King."

I let out a sigh. "How much longer?"

"Just a few minutes."

"Is this what girls do everyday?" I asked.

The makeup artist hovering above me just snickered, shaking her head. "I said be still."

"I'm not moving."

"You're contorting your face to form your words, so yes you are," El argued, "just a few more touches and we'll be done."

My phone chimed and I shot up, making El let out a curse word. "Shit."

"Sorry," I said, "it's my girl."

[From: Baby]
I'm on my way now with food

I smiled up at her. "Wanna see her?"

"I'll pass," she said, "now let me fix this that you screwed up."

I leaned back in my chair, letting her finish up my makeup.

"Hi," I heard Alexis's bright, airy voice fill the room.


She giggled and walked over to me. "Wow, this is a sight for sore eyes."

"He just needed some makeup so the lights wouldn't wash him out," El said, "he can't seem to get that through his skull."

I rolled my eyes. "Do I look pretty?"

"Super," Alexis said, dropping the bag of food on the vanity in front of us.

"Alright," El said, "you are complete."

I sat upright, letting out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness."

Alexis raked her hand through my hair. "You somehow messed that up."

I grabbed the sandwich in front of me, tearing into it. "I'm not delicate with my appearance."

"Obviously," El and Alexis both said.

I smiled up at Lex. "How's your day been?"

"Good," she answered, "I actually have a meeting with a designer that Lena works with in a few, so I can't stay too long."

"Okay, lunch break can be in a few," the photographer said, "we've finished Jo's."

I sighed, leaning my head back. "I'm starved."

"I'm sure you're fine."

I stood up and untied my robe, letting it fall off of my shoulders.

"Woah, I like this look," Alexis said, her fingertips against my bare abdomen.

"Yeah?" I asked, grinning, "I think the shirt unbuttoned is a little much, but."

"Did you contour his abs?" Alexis asked, bending over to look closely.

"No, those didn't even need contouring," El responded, "we just oiled him up."

Alexis bit down on her lip with a smile. "My man."

I chuckled and the photographer shot me an annoyed glance.

"You should stay," I said, walking over to the backdrop, "watch me be all model-y."

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