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I thrusted into Lena at a slow pace, but deep enough to provide her with the pleasure she was looking for.

"Baby," she moaned, pulling my face down to hers.

I kept my hand wrapped tightly around the headboard as my lips fought against hers for dominance. There was no doubt that Lena had become more feisty, more interested in being the one in control.

I pulled away from hers and she trailed her tiny hands down my sides, pulling my hips closer to her. "Deeper."

"Baby," I chuckled out, "I don't kn-"

She grabbed my chin, her dark eyes locked on mine. "Deeper."

I braced my palms on the pillow beneath her head, giving her exactly what she wanted. If I'd had more time, I definitely would've made her wait, but considering I had to be at work in about twenty minutes and I hadn't even showered yet, I was running a bit low on time.

I buried my face in her neck, doing everything I could to last a bit longer. I stroked her bud, pressing wet kisses to her sensitive spot below her jaw.

"Jo, baby!" She moaned, fisting the sheets beneath her. I felt her tighten around me and I let out a groan, finally allowing myself to climax with her.

I steadied out my breathing, my face still buried deep in her neck that somehow still smelled like her lotion from the day before.

I pressed a kiss to her skin. "That was amazing."

I pulled out of her and she smiled a sleepy smile up at me. I discarded my condom, climbing out of bed. I stepped into my underwear, watching as she got comfortable.

I knelt down beside her, stroking her hair gently. "Go back to sleep for me, okay?"

She nodded, cocooning herself in the thick comforter. I pressed a soft kiss to her lips and stood up, walking towards my en-suite.

I looked over my shoulder at her, earning a sweet smile. She looked nineteen again, and I couldn't help my lips from curling up into a smile.

I jogged back over to her and she giggled, grabbing my face. She pulled my lips down to hers, propping herself up on her elbow.

"I seriously have to start getting ready," I muttered.

She nodded, pulling away. "Go make some money."

I smiled, running into the bathroom. I turned on the shower, waiting for it to heat up. While I did so, I picked out my clothes for the day.

I quickly did my business. Showered, sloppily stepped into my clothes and shoes. I raked my fingers through my wet hair, deciding to just let it dry and I'd deal with it later.

I jogged downstairs and looked around for my briefcase.

"Shit, shit, shit, L!" I yelled.

"Hm?" She softly responded, closing the fridge door.

"There you are," I said, "have you seen my-"

"Briefcase?" She asked, holding it out to me.

I grabbed it, smiling a refreshed smile. That smile quickly faded, though, when I realized I had zero time for breakfast.


She held out a cardboard box. "I whipped up some eggs and avocado toast for you while you were pampering yourself."

"Man, I love you," I muttered, pressing a kiss to her cheek, "dinner tonight."

She smiled as I pulled away. "For sure."

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