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three days later


I stood out on my deck, sipping my black coffee. I never drank black coffee.

Holy shit. You're old.

I knitted my brows together and placed the cup on the small table next to me. I walked over to the glass railing, looking down at the buzzing city beneath me.

I felt a pair of small, but powerful arms wrap around my middle. "Good morning."

I smiled. "Good morning."

"You smell like coffee," Alexis hazily whispered, her face against my back.

I grabbed her hand and pressed a kiss to it. "Did you rest?"

She smiled against my back. "Yeah, I did."

I turned around to face her, admiring the subtle sun hitting her eyes. I cupped her cheek, furrowing my brows together. "Did you get more beautiful overnight?"

She grinned and I wrapped my arms around her neck, pulling her into me.

"You give the warmest hugs," she muttered, her face squished against my chest.

I pulled away from her, grabbing her left hand. "I don't like seeing it bare."

"Today," she said, stroking my cheek with a warm smile.

I nodded. "Today."

We both turned to face the buildings.

"Have you told anyone?" She asked, looking over at me.

"No," I said, "I'm still actually wondering if you said yes."

"I said yes," she said, wrapping her arms around my neck, "and I'll say it a billion times over. Yes, yes, yes, yes-"

I cut her off by scooping her up into my arms, making her burst out in laughter. I pressed a kiss to her lips and walked inside with her in my arms.

She jumped down from my arms. "We have an appointment at ten."

"Yes, we do," I muttered, "I need to dress up for that?"

She looked over at me as she walked over to her closet. "I'd say it's appropriate."

I nodded. "Well, let's make breakfast first and then get all dolled up."

She smiled over at me. "Sure."

I grabbed my shirt from beside the door, slipping it on over my head. I jogged downstairs and into the kitchen, opening the fridge only to find that it was empty.

I leaned against the counter, folding my arms over the chest.

"What are we having?" I heard from the staircase.

I walked over to my cabinets. "Uh, we have napkins if you're interested."

She giggled and I heard her footsteps on the marble steps. "No food here?"

"None at all," I said, closing the fridge.

"Well, let's go out," she said, her hands resting on her hips.

I looked at her, lifting an eyebrow. "First outing as an engaged couple, breakfast."

She smiled. "It's not like anyone's going to know."

"I hear the attitude, I know you're ready for a ring."

She shrugged. "Ten can't come fast enough."

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