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Lena gently wrapped her hands around mine, making me smile a soft smile against her hair.

She pulled them under her shirt to cover her braless chest, making me chuckle a small chuckle. "Good morning."

She moved her hands and I kept mine in place, watching as she turned over.

"Good morning," she softly greeted, nestling her face in my chest.

I trailed my hands down her sides, fingering the material of her lacy underwear. "Did you sleep well?"

"Mm hmm," she muttered, "did you?"

I nodded. She sat up on her elbow, her beautiful, natural face just inches away from mine.

"Look at the view."

"I'm too busy looking at mine."

She just smiled at me, making me lean forward and press a kiss to her jaw. I pushed her down on her back and she pulled me close to her, our bodies almost melting together.

"How often do you come here?" She asked, her hand on the back of my neck.

I rested my head on her chest. "Eh. I came here a lot after you and I broke up, because really anything's excusable in Miami."

She giggled and raked her fingers through my hair.

"I don't have time to come anymore," I said, "which sucks, because this is a beautiful place."

"Who takes care of the house?" She asked as I pulled away.

"Her name's Margie," I said, "old lady who does nothing but spend time with her grandchildren, so she enjoys taking care of people's houses."

I looked over at the view. "Yeah, Miami's no joke."

She sat up and wrapped her arm around my shoulders, pressing kisses to my jaw and neck. "Thank you for bringing me."

I wrapped my hand around her tiny arm, rubbing it gently. "Well I wouldn't have wanted to bring anyone else."

She pulled away from me, smiling. "I'm sure you had a few other valuable options."

"None of them are you," I said, looking back at her.

Her smile faded. "I-I was kidding, Jo."

I just looked back at the water and she pressed another kiss to my cheek, rubbing my chest. "Do you have anything here for breakfast?"

"Let's go look," I suggested. We both finally climbed out of bed and walked into the kitchen.

She went one way and I went the other, opening the cabinets. Dad, Fred, and I really all shared this house, so there was no telling what was in the cabinets or if there was anything.

She leaned against the counter. "I got nothing."

"Same here," I said, "we could go out here, you know."

She laughed, folding her arms over her chest. "We could."

I grabbed her hands, making her look up at me with a smile. "Come on, let's go get a few drinks, eat a good breakfast, go to the beach..."

I trailed off as I spun her around, chuckling as she fell into me with a giggle.

"Still as clumsy as you were when you were nineteen," I said, tucking a chunk of hair behind her ear.

She looked up at me and I cupped her face, pressing a kiss to her lips. "Sex on the beach."

She giggled and pulled away, looking up at me. Lena looked at me in a way no one else did, and no one else got this look from her, either.

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