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"God, you piss me off," I muttered against Alexis's neck, thrusting into her.

"Fuck." She tilted her head back and I pressed a kiss to her collarbone, trailing my lips down to her cleavage.

"You piss me off more," she breathlessly retorted, her hands tugging at my hair aggressively.

I grasped her hips and looked down at our bodies. There was no denying that Alexis had a body like no other woman on this planet.

She wound her arm around my neck and our eyes locked. She bit down on her bottom lip and I thrusted into her slower, but deeper than before.

"Baby," she whispered, her free hand slipping down my arm. She tried to break eye contact but I roughly grabbed her chin, stopping her from doing so.

She parted her plump lips, her eyes glued to mine as I sped up the pace.

The sound of her becoming weaker with each second, it was driving me insane. Her sighs and whimpers, mixed with a few moans here and there.

"Fred, baby," she breathed, reaching behind her. She grabbed the headboard, making my hand cover hers.

She brought my lips to hers, slipping her tongue in between my lips. I bit down on her bottom lip and pulled away before flipping us over.

"This is what I'm best at, baby," she giggled, bracing her hands on my chest. I leaned my head back, my hand resting on her hip as she did the work.

I'd spent years figuring out Alexis's body and what exactly pleased her. I hadn't forgotten from when we were teenagers, but she'd also changed a bit with her age.

I grinned up at her. This was her element, sexually, at least. She was smiling a satisfied smile, her hands in her wild, curly hair.

She looked down at me with a smile. "What's that look for?"

She leaned down and pressed a kiss to my jaw, making my eyes close. "I'm just letting you do your thing, baby."

She pulled away from my jaw and looked me deep in my soul, it felt like. She brushed her fingertips against my cheek and her flirtatious smile faded, and instead, a soft one replaced it.

All while she was riding me like she'd never do it again.

I grabbed both of her hips, making her bite down on her lip. I sat upright against the headboard, wrapping my arms around her. I hadn't even pulled out of her.

Good one, Fred.

She wound her arms around my neck and pressed a passionate kiss to my lips, rubbing my neck softly. I softly pushed my hips up to meet hers, making her let out a quiet moan against my lips.

She let me know she was close to an orgasm by biting down on my bottom lip. I gave her backside a gentle but effective slap, smiling against her lips.

She pulled her lips away from mine and focused on her orgasm. I'd waited on her, and I knew this one would absolutely be one for the books.

I watched her fingers work her bud. I could've done it, but I was fascinated by watching her. As if I'd never seen a woman pleasure herself before.

She closed her eyes and bit down on her lip. "I'm coming."

I finally allowed myself to climax, letting out a louder groan than normal. I leaned my head back against the headboard as I felt her tighten around me, her loud moan filling the near silence of the room.

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