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3rd Person's Pov
Lucy was currently in her balcony..Her long blonde hair swayed as the midnight breeze rushes..Looking at the moon,her brown orbs shone brightly..

The six of them really have changed huh?She asked herself,Another gust of wind made her hair sway..


She gave out a small smile as she turns her body to meet the Emperor himself,Ren Kouen..

"Konbanwa..Lord Kouen.."She greeted..Kouen closed his eyes before wrapping his arms tightly around the blonde..Though surprised,she was on the verge of crying as she is enveloped by the emperor's warmth..

"Lucy I missed you so much.."He whispered as he tightens his hug more..Lucy lets out a faint giggle,"Likewise..Kouen.."

Both of them stayed that way for a while before Kouen releases her..The two look out of the balcony..Their eyes glued to the Empire..

"You've changed a lot Lucy,"He mumbled as Lucy smiled."You're more beautiful than the last time I saw you..Your brown eyes still mesmerizes mine.."

Lucy leaned on the banisters before speaking,"The empire..Oba-san..It's change is unbelievable..I once thought Kou was done for because of Oba-san..But..It seems you've taken charge.."

Kouen's eyes darkened..He remembered what he did three years ago..How the war started..But all of that disappeared when Lucy looks at him..The brightest smile plastered on her face..He could feel heat rise up to his cheeks..His eyes soften..

"Ne Kouen..You've been through a lot no?The incident three years ago..It's still bothering you right?"She asks..

Kouen's eyes widened a bit,"How did you know about the incident?Were you there?"

Lucy shakes her head slowly before straightening herself,"Aladdin told me while I was in bed..The incident concerning the three most respected empires to build up..It's hard to believe..But as Aladdin continues the story..I found myself enjoying it.."She admits as both of their hairs swayed..

"Are you..Somehow angry at us?"The emperor asks making Lucy's eyes darkened..He expected to get a straight answer of yes..But..

"Not really..You did that for the Empire..I admit,I see you at fault for what happened but,"She stopped before situating her gaze at his..Her brightest smile appeared once more,"How can I be mad to the people who I considered as my Family no?"

Rukh started fluttering around them..She meant everything for the Emperor..He would sacrifice himself just to see her smile..Just to see the look of happiness in her eyes..Even if it was the last time he would see it..

"Lucy-neesan!!!"Kouha and Kogyokou exclaimed as they tackle Lucy in a bear hug..Lucy sweatdropped..

"It's been only two days guys.."Lucy said as the three of them sit on the grass..

Kouha starts to cry waterfall tears as he hugs Lucy's arm tightly,"Waah!!Lucy-neesan we were so worried about you!!"He said..

Lucy tilts her head in confusion before smiling,"Don't worry..Masrur-san is with me..Right Masrur-san?"She states glancing at the Fanalis..

He nodded but Kouha continues to cry waterfall tears,"That's not it Lucy-neesan!!"He said..

"Eh?Then what?"Lucy asks..Kogyokou starts to cry as well,"You were so scary when you introduced yourself!!You were like a different person!!"She points out,hugging Lucy's other arm tightly..

"Kouha..Kogyokou..Give Lucy-neesan some space.."Koumei,who just walked in said..

Both of them pouts,"But we've missed her!!"They said unison..

A tick mark appeared on his head as he approaches them,"I do to..But she needs her own space as well.."He states as the two let go of Lucy..


Lucy chuckled while Koumei sighed..Lucy then turns to the second oldest before smiling,"It's nice to see you again Koumei-san.."

Koumei smiled at her before nodding,"Likewise Lucy-neesan.."

"Where's Hakuryu and Hakuei-neechan?"Lucy asks tilting her head in confusion..

"Hakuryu is catching up with Morgiana..Hakuei is with Aladdin.."Koumei answers then looks at Lucy,"I heard you have gotten stronger than the last time we saw each other..Right?"

Lucy nodded,"I've learned countless minor magics and had escalated to using my spirits power rather than summoning them.."

"It's a shame though..Lucy-neesan is now property of Sindria!Hmph!"Kouha complains as he crosses his arms..

Koumei shakes his head,"She is still in property of Kou if we gave her a title that is the same value of a princess.."

"Waah I'm going to tell Kouen-niisan that!I am never gonna give Lucy-neesan to Sindria!"Kogyokou states..

Lucy sighs as she smiles helplessly at Masrur..He just returned it with a simple nod..

"I'll see you three later..I need to talk to Sinbad.."She said as she stands up only to be stopped by Kogyokou,"Lucy-neesan don't go anywhere near that guy!"

She sighed before using her free hand to pat Kogyokou's head,"I still have work to do Kogyokou,I am the princess of Sindria after all.."She pointed out as Kogyokou let's go of her by surprise..

"Masrur-san!Let's go!"Lucy exclaims as she walks away with Masrur..

Kouha clenched his fists,"That idiot king is brainwashing our Lucy-neesan!"He shouts..

"Lucy-neesan.."Kogyokou whispers as those words replay in her head..

'I still have work to do Kogyokou,I am the princess of Sindria after all..'

Koumei gripped his fan before straightening himself,"Let's go and talk to Kouen-niisama.."

Lucy was currently doing paperwork with Sinbad in an office reserved for them..Masrur was wandering around,as per Lucy's orders..

"Ne Little Princess are you getting tired?We've been doing this paperwork for hours now.."Sinbad pointed out as he takes a second to glance at Lucy..

She smiled before shaking her head,"Not at all Sinbad..I'm already used to these.."She said as she puts the papers cleanly on a corner..

Sinbad nodded before continuing once more..After a while,they were done for today's paperwork..

"Ahhh!We're finally done Little Princess!"Sinbad exclaimed as he stretches his arms..Lucy nodded and was going to stand up from her seat when her legs stung,making her sit back..

Sinbad blinked before chuckling nervously,"Your legs seemed to have numbed..Do you want assistance little Princess?"He asks as he walks towards her..

She shakes her head..She attempts to stand once more only to fall down,but was caught by Sinbad,"Oh my..It seems you really do need assistance.."He said as Lucy blushes in embarrassment..

She averts her gaze as Sinbad helps her by linking his arm with hers..Both went out of the office and decided to grab something to eat..

When they passed by one of the corners,Lucy caught a glimpse of a figure..She shook it off and thought it was only her mind playing tricks on her..

Unknown to them,Kouen was in that spot because he was talking to one of the sorcerers..His eyes caught the two with each other as he couldn't help but clench his teeth..

'I'm not loosing Lucy to you..You Idiot King..'

A/n: Love Triangle~ >\\\\\<

Jasmine: Narwhals!

A/n: *smacks Jasmine* You ruined my moment..

Jasmine: *pouts* No I didn't..

A/n: *sighs* I really need to get you out of here..

Jasmine: :P

A/n: Anyways..Hope you enjoyed this chappie I made~ <3

Jasmine: ฅ(๑*▽*๑)ฅ!!

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