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3rd Person's P.o.V:

"The snow..It's pretty.."Lucy said as she looks around the snow filled valley of flowers..The red roses looked like white and the rose lily around her mother's grave had grown quite beautifully..


Lucy's eyes narrow as she takes out a pistol from her snow boots..She scans the area and couldn't sense where the heartbeat was coming from..

"Why are you here?"

Lucy's body moved on its own and points the gun at the person who spoke,"Because this is my mother's grave.."She says..

Altair sighs,"Put down the gun you can't kill me anyway.."He said raising his hands up..Lucy rolls her eyes,"I was able to handle Hayce's sister and I can handle you.."She stated lowering the gun..

"Five years huh?"He said walking past her and sits in front of the grave cross legged..Lucy follows..

"You know my mother?"Lucy murmurs..Altair nods,"Yup..She was one of the people who didn't get to have a happy ending.."

She fidgets with her ring,"I guess..She was associated with the gods as well huh?"

"Hn..Yup..And it was with my father.."

Lucy stops..Her eyes wavering,"What happened anyways?"She whispered curiously..

"Ah..They met..And as you may know by now,Humans and Gods aren't supposed to meet..Worse if they've bonded..And in your mother's case,she had been friends with my father for a very long time..And when my grandfather had known about it,he cast a curse..No..Eternal illness in her that will slowly kill her.."

Lucy noticed that he was hesitating to tell the next part..She is also currently listening to his hurt fulled heart..She sighs and smiles before putting a hand on his shoulder,"You can continue.."

Altair swallowed the lump in his throat before continuing,"It was an illness only curable by my grandfather only..Layla,she was very close to me,like a mother I never had..So seeing her die because of us..It killed me..And I can't stand it if you get killed as well..For a sin you didn't commit!"

The air violently passes through them..Altair glances at Lucy to see her reaction..But he could only see her bright smile..She was smiling genuinely as if she had accepted the end of her life..

"You can't change what the gods had put upon you..You guys are gods for a reason.."Lucy said putting her hand on his hair..She forced his bangs upwards so that his forehead was seen..

"You're..Not worried about your life at all?"He asks..

Lucy laughed,"I'd be more worried for you guys Hah!"She exclaimed..He was taken aback for a minute or two before chuckling,"Well reckless as you are..Just like a princess..Maybe I should start calling you that?"

"Yeah..Maybe..If you let me nickname you as well.."Lucy said giggling..

Altair winks,"Sure..Anything suits me.."He stated..Lucy smirked,"Even idiot?"


"Hehe just joking geez..Hmm..How about France?"

"Sounds cool..Kay then..Starting today,your knight in shining armor France will protect you..Princess.."

"Now you sound like Hayce..How is he anyways?"

"Good..Priscilla is surprisingly gentle with him..Still a brat though.."

"Hn..Good.."Lucy said stifling a sigh..France rose a brow at her,"What did you do?"

"Just....Made a deal with her.."She replied and stands up,"Let's go introduce you to my Yakuza..As France.."

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