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3rd Person's Pov
"N-Nani?!!"Lucy asks in disbelief as she stands up from her seat..

Jafar nodded,"A summit will be held the day after tomorrow..The alliances leaders with their right hand will come and discuss about the issue mattering the great Festival..I thought you would be overjoyed since you will see some of your past friends there Hime.."

It had been a week since they visited the Southern Continent and they have sailed back to Sindria..It was two days before the summit..

Lucy slumps back on her throne before averting her gaze,"It's not that I don't want to see them but..I'm nervous..I only have attended one-sided meetings and not a summit..It would be bad for not only Sindria but Kou as well if I mess something up.."She explained..

Jafar,who was a bit surprised by her words,smiled before bowing,"Hime you need not to worry..As King Sinbad's right hand,I will do the best I can to make sure nothing goes wrong.."

"J-Jafar-san..I really owe you one.."Lucy said as Jafar chuckled,"There is no need Hime..It is my job as right hand..So does this mean you'll be attending The Alliances Summit?"

Lucy smiled,"Hai..As the High Princess of Sindria and as the Lady of Blessing of Kou.."

Jafar bowed before exiting the throne room..Lucy heaves a deep sigh..It's been a week since she last saw Judar..The Ren siblings would come visit her in Sindria..Turns out that Sinbad had somehow persuaded Kouen into leaving Lucy with him,despite their hate towards each other..

Not only did Lucy became official with her title,but also was able to finish her book..She kept it safely with her Spirits..Speaking of her spirits,once she called them to keep the book safe,all of them started crying and scolding her..

Unfortunately,Lucy and the others haven't found a cure to her curse..Though unable to find it,Lucy was able to control it's flow using Magoi Manipulation and can make it appear and disappear any time..

"Sigh..What should I do know?"She whispered as she leans on her throne..It was quite a boring day for her since almost everyone was busy..No..Scratch that..Everyone was busy..

Sinbad and Jafar with the summit..Aladdin,Alibaba and Morgiana with training..Hinahoho and Drakkon with their families..Pisti,
and Spartos visiting their home countries..And Masrur with Sinbad..

She was in charge in the palace for today..So she would just sit on her throne and wait for something to come..

"Huhuhu..What should I do~?"Lucy asks herself,whining..She stopped her tantrum before widening her eyes..

A strong gust of wind blew her blonde wavy hair..Her iris dilating..She stood up from her throne and walked fast towards the green house..

"Lucy-sama!"The soldiers shout as Lucy enters the green house..

She could see the rukh rushing around something..No..Someone..
And it wasn't normal rukh..It was black rukh..

"I thought one of you would come and attack Sindria soom..I didn't think it would be now though.."Lucy said as her wand appears in her hand..

"Go and inform Lord Sinbad this..An enemy has appeared in the green house.."Lucy ordered as all the soldiers rush out..

She snapped her fingers as the black rukh diminished,revealing a person in white..they had a mask on and was holding a staff..

"I have only came here because of our leader's orders..You need not to tremble our Queen.."They said..

Lucy lowered her wand,"What is it that you want Al-Thamen?"

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