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Dedicated to: ber45347,Lucky1145,SexyFlower24

3rd Person's P.o.V:

"What happened Wendy?You look like a ghost.."Lucy said looking at the girl..They were currently at the Green Sagittarius tower,a place for accommodation of guests..In Wendy's quarter to be exact..

"E-Etto..Nothing Lucy-san.."She answers covering her face..At this gesture,Lucy's heart melts..

'Wendy why do you have to be so innocent..?Huhuhu..Now I really am forgiving you guys..'Lucy mentally sulked..

She then sighed,"Look..If you don't want to tell me then fine by me.."Lucy snapped..Which was total opposite to what she really wanted to say..

'Damnit no Wendy!!Please don't hate me!It's just my pride I swear!'Lucy thoughts crying in the inside..

"E-Eh..Lucy-san I'm really okay..No need to worry.."Wendy stated..Lucy turns red,"I-I'm not worried!"She defended..

'Y-Yes I am!Waahh!!Pride please go down!You're hurting my little cinnamon role~!'

Wendy was about to say something when there was a knock on the door,"Hime-chan someone is looking for you!"Pisti's voice was heard from the other side..

Lucy rose a brow,"Please let them stay at the Libra Tower..I have something to talk about with Wendy so apologize for the delay..."She said..You could hear Pisti pout,"Hmmph!Hime-chan don't get too attached to her!"She yelled before fading footsteps were heard..

"Anyways..Wendy,I came here to tell you to keep your guard up when you visit the country I'm sending you to..It seems the religion there strictly forbids outsiders unless you survive the trial they give you..Be careful,I have visited it before and their trials are not to be taken lightly.."Lucy explains as she takes out a map..

"There is the Qijí Tower located in the center..The people in the country consider the dijiin inside it a god which is logically not..I want you two to conquer the dungeon without being found out..So,not only do you need to pass the trial and escape being killed but also make sure not to have a bounty on top of your heads.."

Wendy closed her eyes and nodded,"Hai..Copy Lucy-san..If anything goes wrong I'll make sure to relay the message.."She states..Lucy smirks,"No need..Alistair will be with you the whole journey so you two won't mess uo.."Lucy replied as Alistair's key appears in her hand..

"Open,gate of the mourning prince..Survey the heavens and look inside my soul..I summon you with a bond breakable only if thy blood is shed..Alistair!"

Alistair appears,but instead of just poofing out like normal,he walked out of a magic circle similar to Jellal's Heavenly body magic circle..

"Princess you summoned me?"Alistair asked bowing..He was in full battle armor,his sword in his hand ready to kill..

"Alistair baka..We won't be killing anyone..Yet.."Lucy said giggling..Even if it seemed as a joke,Wendy found it scary..

The spirit looks at her in irritation,"Princess!I told you not to Grand Summon me if not needed!"He scolded..Lucy sticks her tongue out,"But it is needed..A part of it to be exact..I want you to go with her and her friend to a mission..But since you can't go far from me if I just normal summon you,then I used Grand..That way you can also communicate what's happening using Truce.."She explained..

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